
Players can embrace the laws of gravity and challenge themselves with a whole new kind of action-puzzle play in this exciting sequel to the critically acclaimed Pushmo. New gravity mechanics and gadgets like floating blocks, doors and move switches await, testing players' skills as they push, pull and slide each puzzle's colorful blocks in order to climb to the top. Just be careful where those blocks are moved-unsupported blocks will come crashing down. Crashmo contains lots of puzzles to test your brains, and enhanced puzzle-creation and -sharing features mean that even when all the puzzles are cleared, the fun never has to stop.

Coming Soon

This game is scheduled for release in North America 11/22/12. Once it's out, GameFAQs will accept and post FAQs, cheats, and reviews as soon as they come in.


The Crashmo message board has 2 topics and 3 messages.

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Game Detail



Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for ages 6 and older.