
When a mysterious snowstorm falls on London, so cold that even the Thames is starting to freeze, Sherlock Holmes, the most astute detective of all time, is called in to investigate. Explore amazing environments, meet and interrogate many colorful characters, and examine objects and clues in order to discover the evidence that will help solve this incredible case. Many original puzzles and brain-teasers will put your skills to the test during your investigation, while you unveil the truth behind the Mystery of the Frozen City!

Coming Soon

This game is scheduled for release in Europe 10/26/12. Once it's out, GameFAQs will accept and post FAQs, cheats, and reviews as soon as they come in.

And More...

For this game, we also have a page with release details and information, 1 box shot, 12 GameSpot screenshots. You can track this game and add it to your collection using My Games, and you can find out how to contribute to GameFAQs at Contributor Central.

Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Frozen City Resources