
Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 345 Ratings

  • Summary: Approach each assassination with your own unique style. Use shadow and sound to your advantage to traverse silently through levels unseen by enemies, or attack foes head-on as they react to your aggression. The malleable combat system allows you to creatively synthesize your abilities, supernatural powers and gadgets as you negotiate your way through the levels and dispatch your targets. Improvise and adapt to define your modus operandi. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Oct 9, 2012
    It should be a crime not to play this amazing videogame. Please, do not miss this adventure, let CorvoAttano conquer your heart.
  2. Oct 8, 2012
    Dishonored made me feel like a person struggling to retain the things that were important to me in a world gone mad. It goes beyond "role-playing" to challenge players to draw their own personal moral line in the sand, but does so without being preachy or judgmental.
  3. Oct 10, 2012
    Dishonored is one of the defining games of this generation... A dark, stirring and beautiful game. The new Master Assassin. [Dec 2012, p.63]

See all 20 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 88
  2. Negative: 10 out of 88
  1. This game is simply great, and I say this before criticising it because a lot of people get hold of the wrong end of the stick. Compared to all other games of the same kind of genre, this game is the best one to be released this year. Still it's not the best of all time. I don't mind the graphics and the art style they chose, because you shouldn't be a graphics w***e and look at the whole package the game delivers. To get down to the points that bother me the most: You will never use half of your abilities. Some are hilariously overpowered, like you can blink behind enemies and take them out silently. The AI will never bother and is suffering from amnesia, they had art directors from HL2 I think, because the perimeter walls in the city look exactly the same, a lot is copied from Bioshock 1, especially the ending they pulled (the good one). Other than that I like the characters, you can identify with lots of them and understand the cause they fight for, but what bothers me is that they just push you around and tell you what to do. As if I was some hired thug of some kind: "Yeah Corvo, do this, do that..." No way, lay off the attitude son, I'm no errand boy. Anyway, I give this game a rock solid 8/10, not perfect, yet nothing to complain about. Expand
  2. I can't understand how people give this game a ten. This is game is not bad by any stretch of imagination, but some people stating how this is one of the best games ever is quite frankly astonishing. Yes, you have some nice little toys to use at your disposal, but when it comes down to it it actually feels limited. The stealth part of the game is basically limited to using the blink ability, a standard choke and an odd sleeping dart thrown in. When the **** hits the fan and enemies come from all angles the game turns into a mess and rushed and you feel never in control of the situation, unless you waste a whole mana potion slowing down time, but then it becomes a walk in the park with no challenge. Being in a shadow or in the light makes no difference, it's just same boring pattern of hiding behind a box waiting for the person to turn around and to then sneak up (blinking) for the quick choke...the textures also look horrendous, and the character development is non existent, quite honestly I couldn't give a **** about any of the characters. The plot twist can also be seen a mile away and is the same plot twist that plagues the film and gaming scene. You'll see what I mean when you get to that point. Like I said the game has nice features and is worth a look if you like this kind of genre, but it doesn't come close compared to the classics of Thief and Deus Ex. Expand
  3. I was really looking forward to something fresh or new alternate to the fps and rpg genres. Despite all the good review, the game was not mind-blowing or freshly innovative as the hype claimed. The graphics and plot to the game are good but that seems to be the only thing that keeps this game afloat. Personally, I would rather save the cost and buy some good old game like Fallout 3 or wait for the new release of Bioshock Infinite. After completing 3 missions the game was not thrilling enough to pull me back to play again-not better than something of Assassin's Creed stature. Expand

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