
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 20 Ratings

  • Summary: Code of Princess is an action RPG brawler for Nintendo 3DS with cooperative and competitive multiplayer.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Oct 11, 2012
    The gurus at Atlas have once again graced us with a fantastic piece of gaming art. If you own a 3DS, then you owe it to yourself to try this great game.
  2. Oct 18, 2012
    This is the rare kind of game that seamlessly blends classic brawler gameplay with RPG elements while still managing to remain simple and fun, and is one of the most appealing games we've seen on the 3DS so far.
  3. Oct 19, 2012
    Code of Princess is a fun and frantic action adventure for the 3DS, one that often provides plenty of excitement-but which, at other times, feels limited either in design or by the hardware it calls home.

See all 13 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 11
  2. Negative: 1 out of 11
  1. Like JRPGs but wish they were more action oriented. Well then Code of Princess is up your alley. Great looking graphics, arcade style action and goofy plot lines make for a whimsical and fun game experience. The characters are well designed but and kinda fan-service but the game play and tone more then make-up for it. The 3d has a diorama effect giving a toy-like appearance to the experience, which was a plus for me. I can't wait to unlock all the characters. Expand
  2. Originally I thought this game was very cool. The character designs are nice and the animations are good. The combat system seemed neat initially. But the game is very laggy in many places. Most times it doesnt interfere, but it can be very distracting, and many places it lags so bad the game is like a picture book unfortunately. If it didn't lag I would have enjoyed it more for sure, but the lag is very jarring. Another thing that I didn't like is all of the stages feel the same. There is no real sense of progression in this game. Sure the stages have different backdrops, but that doesn't change anything, and the stages themselves are more like fighting game stages. The screen will scroll a small amount but thats it. You are stuck in a small flat space, and this can lead to the game feeling very samey very quickly. I was hoping it was going to be more like Golden Axe where you move to new stages and there is more of a noticable progression. Theres a lot of funny dialogue in the game which is good. The enemy design is also pretty cool which makes mixing it up a little more varied, Your characters never change either besides your stats. This isn't necessarily bad, but i think since the game has rpg elements, this would have made the game feel fresher as you played it more. Instead the entire game feels like me being on a small flat stage, doing the same combos, trying to ignore the lag. The only difference is you fight different enemies. If not for the lag and a better sense of progression this game would have been really fun to me. Expand
  3. 3
    Fun graphics and a good sense of humor, but this game has serious slowdown issues and lag with the controls, especially when 3D is enabled. Unfortunately, since it's an action-oriented title, this seriously detracts from the gameplay experience and it ends up being a button masher with no sense of connection with your character. I was really looking forward to this title, but reluctantly have to admit that it fell far short of all my expectations. Might be worth picking up when it's eventually on sale for $10. Expand

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