
Generally favorable reviews - based on 79 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 215 Ratings

  • Summary: Bastion is an action role-playing game from Supergiant Games.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 79
  2. Negative: 0 out of 79
  1. Aug 1, 2011
    It says a lot for a "little" XBLA RPG to be able to hold its own sitting next to Batman: Arkham City, as it did in the Warner Bros. Booth at E3 in June. Now we know why: Bastion is something special, clearly made with love and oodles of talent. Here's to one of the very best games of the summer – downloadable or otherwise.
  2. Jul 24, 2011
    The game is fun and colorful throughout, yet within that spirit of fun, the level design evokes a remarkable range of emotion.
  3. Sep 19, 2011
    The way the levels unfold, literally paving the way out before your feet, removes any sense of exploration. [Issue#76, p.100]

See all 79 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 75 out of 78
  2. Negative: 1 out of 78
  1. Simply amazing, there are no words to describe Bastion YOU MUST PLAY THE GAME TO UNDERSTAND ITS GREATNESS! The music, the wonderful visuals, the deep characters all bring Bastion into the rank of Legendary. Compared to most AAA titles these days, Bastion is a true breath of fresh air, it takes the bar and launches it straight into the stratosphere. All developers should strive to bring the quality that Bastion has brought forth to the gaming scene. Expand
  2. This is one of the best games to be released in 2011.It's just amazing in every sense and the cherry on the cake is...only 15 dollars.This has $60 worth of quality content and then some.You just never know anymore,I was looking forward to Dirt 3 and while very good, it was a let down.This is a game that is just screaming with new ideas and content.It's an Indie game,WHAT?Craaazy Expand
  3. This game is described and promoted as "role playing" action/adventure. Reviews have mainly missed the point that this is more of a "platformer" with a far away 3 dimensional perspective. You don't get in close, you can't examine areas very much, and you move along a path. This doesn't mean this is a bad game, and if you like an array of weapons and things wack 'em with, you will like the game. Also the art and music is excellent. There is a constant narrator, which some may find irritating after awhile. Ultimately I didn't like the game so much, since I really wanted to spend more time exploring than fighting but that's just me. So for me it's a 6 for the effort, if you like platformers and action give it an 8 or 9. Expand

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