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Adults Only For New PlayStation 3 Games Event

Sony pushes its Z and D rated titles, and promises to check ids.


Sony's last series of PlayStation brand demo events, Experience PlayStation, was for everyone. The next one is just for adults.

The "Otona no PlayStation 3" demo event will be held this weekend, at Yamada Denki in Ikebukuro (Tokyo) on the 27th and Joshin Denki in Nihonbashi (Osaka) on the 28th.

The name translates to "Adult's PlayStation 3." Game set for display include Yakuza 4, Fist of the North Star Musou, Bioshock 2, and God of War III. The first two have been rated D by CERO, meaning they're for 17 and up. The last two have CERO's harshest rating, Z, or 18-and-up.

Officially, the event targets those 18-and-up, and Sony says it will be checking IDs. Those who do make it in will get a commemorative sticker.

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