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Bloggers Wanted: Conventions

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 08.20.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Conventions photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

With PAX coming up soon, I thought it'd be interesting to do a Bloggers Wanted topic that's a bit different from the norm -- I want to hear your best convention story.

Ideal blogs will be about gaming conventions, or at least feature gaming in some way, but it's not a requirement. Just tell us your favorite memory from any nerdy convention you've been to and help everyone get hyped up for PAX in a couple weeks! No weird fetish sex stories from the time you went to the Adult Baby Diaperfur Yaoi convention though -- keep your story under an NC-17 rating.

To participate, just write a CBlog, title it "Conventions: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders! We'll keep this topic up a week or two after PAX wraps up as well, so if PAX is your first convention make sure you do something crazy you'll be able to write about afterwards!

Bloggers Wanted: Next-Gen

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
1:30 PM on 07.09.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Next-Gen photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

Nintendo has been releasing more details about the Wii U over the last few weeks, and just a few days ago we heard that Microsoft has been sitting on the name "Xbox 8". The next generation of consoles is rapidly approaching, and assuming everything goes according to plan we'll be seeing the first one drop this holiday season.

For Bloggers Wanted, I want you to tell me about your hopes and expectations for this next console cycle. Feel free to discuss all three major companies, or to just focus on one of them. What do you want to see in this new generation? What did the companies do wrong last time? How can they fix it? What features will they need to have to stay competitive? Who do you think will come out on top?

To participate, just write a CBlog, title it "Next-Gen: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: E3

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
3:00 PM on 06.03.2012
Bloggers Wanted: E3 photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

E3 starts tomorrow, and we want to hear what you have to say about it.

What are your predictions? What did you think about the Nintendo press conference? Is the new game that got announced amazing or terrible? All this week, we want you to blog your thoughts, expectations, and reactions to everything at E3.

To participate, just write a CBlog, title it "E3: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Hype

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
3:30 PM on 05.14.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Hype photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

Diablo 3 releases tonight, and I will finally get the game I've been waiting almost twelve years for. I don't think I've been this excited for a game in a long time -- certainly not since I've been an adult.

For Bloggers Wanted, I want you to tell me about the game or piece of gaming hardware you've been most excited for. It doesn't matter if it actually ended up being good or not; I want to hear about your hype and excitement. It can be a recent thing, or something you really wanted as a kid. Tell us about it, why you were so pumped up for it, and whether it met your expectations or not.

To participate, just write a CBlog, title it "Hype: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Collaboration

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
3:30 PM on 04.16.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Collaboration photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

The recent news that Apple and Valve might be joining forces to work on a new console is exciting, and it got me thinking about what other major companies I'd like to see team up for a project.

I want you to write a blog about which two gaming companies you'd like to see work together on something gaming-related. Tell me which companies, why you picked those two, and what kind of project you envision them working on. To participate, just write a CBlog, title it "Collaboration: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Dreaming

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 04.02.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Dreaming photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

One of the most frustrating parts of April Fool's Day is when a company fake-announces a product that sounds AWESOME. ThinkGeek does this every year (although they at least often follow through), and many game companies get in on the action -- often fake-announcing long awaited sequels or reboots of beloved franchises.

The games eventually end up not being real, but what if they actually were? For Bloggers Wanted this week, I want you to tell me about your dream game that hasn't been made yet. It can be a non-existent sequel to a franchise you absolutely love or, if you really want to get creative, a totally original creation with gameplay you haven't seen done before, but think would work well.

My choice is obviously a true, direct sequel to Chrono Trigger.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Dreaming: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the next two weeks, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Disappointment

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 03.19.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Disappointment photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

It's been pretty hard to avoid -- a lot of people are really unhappy with the ending of Mass Effect 3. I want to hear more about what other games have left you disappointed -- either because a series ended in a way you weren't happy with, or perhaps because a game you had hyped up in your mind didn't deliver what you were expecting. Tell us about the game, why you were disappointed, and how you think the developer could have prevented your unhappiness.

Enough people have been talking about Mass Effect 3 that it's off limits for this topic -- pick something else. Everything else is fair game.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Disappointment: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the next two weeks, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Browser Games

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 03.05.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Browser Games photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

For a limited time while GDC is going on, you have the opportunity to get into the free beta of Desktop Dungeons, and if you're a fan of Rogue-likes I highly recommend it. One of the best things about it, for me, is that it's playable right in my browser.

This week, I want you to write about your favorite in-browser game. It can be Flash, Unity, or anything else -- the only requirement is that it has to be a game you can play online and in your browser.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Browser Games: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Promotions

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:45 PM on 02.27.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Promotions photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

As you may have seen, last week EA decided to promote Mass Effect 3 by launching copies of the game into space by tying them to weather balloons. Some lucky gamers managed to recover the copies, even though one fell into a tree and the other into the middle of nowhere in the Arizona desert.

This isn't the first time a game has had a crazy promotional campaign, and it certainly won't be the last. This week, I want you to write about a promotional campaign, good or bad. Tell us why it was memorable and if it worked or not. For me, the one I most vividly remember was the horrible "Scratch and Sniff" magazine advertisements in Earthbound. In fact, I can still remember the exact smell. I'm not sure whose idea it was, but making a magazine page literally smell like a fart didn't make me want to run out and buy the game.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Promotions: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Endings

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:45 PM on 02.20.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Endings photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

In my opinion, the final sequences of games tend to be some of the weakest parts. You've just finished an epic final battle, and then, more often than not, settle in to watch 20 minutes of a CGI movie that's nothing more than a cliffhanger designed to set up a sequel.

This isn't true of all games, though. This week, I want you to tell me about a game you thought did a great job in its final moments and why its ending was truly a satisfying conclusion to the game you just enjoyed.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Endings: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders!

Bloggers Wanted: Beginnings

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 02.13.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Beginnings photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

This week's topic should be something everyone can easily write about. For Bloggers Wanted, I want you to tell me about your first gaming experience, and how it got you into gaming long term.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "XXX: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week's topic, Training.

Bloggers Wanted: Training

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
1:30 PM on 02.06.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Training photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

I've tried, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around games like League of Legends or DOTA 2. I understand why they're fun, and I think they're good games, I am just so unbelievably awful at them that I feel like I'll never get anywhere. I just don't have the hundreds of hours of practice required to really get good on them.

A lot of people do, though. Whether it's a fighting game, or StarCraft, or a MOBA, plenty of people devote huge amounts of time into becoming beastly at their game of choice. This week, I want you to tell me about a game you've really trained for and how it managed to suck you in. Tell me about the process of starting out as a scrub, and eventually mastering your game of choice. What exactly did you have to do to really get good at it?

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Training: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week's topic, Improvement.

Bloggers Wanted: Improvement

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 01.30.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Improvement photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

I wasn't a fan of Final Fantasy XIII. At all. I'm hearing, though, that tomorrow's release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 fixes a whole host of issues that the first game had, and that gave me an idea for this week's topic.

I want you to pick a game and identify its problems. Then, explain to us how you would design a theoretical sequel to that game, fixing all of the problems you noted earlier. (It's fine if the game you pick is already a sequel itself -- if you want to write about Grand Theft Auto IV - 2, that's cool.) It's a pretty simple topic, but I suspect we'll get a lot of great responses.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Improvement: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week's topic, Location.

Bloggers Wanted: Location

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 01.23.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Location photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

One of the most important parts of a game is its setting or location. While not frequently discussed, where a game takes place can pretty much make or break an experience. A survival horror game with incredible gameplay can fall flat on its face if the atmosphere isn't scary, and a game that would otherwise be mediocre can become engrossing if you get drawn into its world.

This week, I want you to tell me about your favorite settings or locations in games, or, alternatively, games where the setting was so bland or uninspiring that it ruined the game for you. This isn't about gameplay or characters -- I want to hear about actual places.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Location: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week's topic, Mobility.

Bloggers Wanted: Mobility

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
1:30 PM on 01.17.2012
Bloggers Wanted: Mobility photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

Today's prompt is a day late, because I just got back from a really long work trip where I had almost no free time. It struck me, as I was touching back down in Los Angeles, that I spent almost the entirety of my six hours in the airport/on the plane playing games on my iPhone.

This week, I want you to tell me about your favorite mobile phone game. Why is it good, how did it hook you, and what makes it better than all the others?

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "Mobility: [Your Blog's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week's topic, Predictions.

Bloggers Wanted: What I Want in 2012

Jonathan Ross, Associate Editor
2:30 PM on 01.09.2012
Bloggers Wanted: What I Want in 2012 photo

[When we're looking for blogs on a specific topic, we'll put out a Bloggers Wanted call. Check out the blog prompt, write your own response in the Community Blogs and tag it with the "Bloggers Wanted Essay Response" tag, and you may see your blog promoted to the front page. -- JRo]

This week, the Destructoid editors will be listing the games we're most looking forward to in this upcoming year. Why don't you do the same? Pick one game for any platform that you're really excited to play in this upcoming year, and tell us why you're so pumped for it.

To participate, just write a C Blog, title it "What I Want in 2012: [The Game's Title]", and select the Bloggers Wanted Essay Response tag. Throughout the week, keep an eye on the blogs and get some discussions going with your fellow Dtoiders, and make sure you look for promoted blogs from last week's topic, Predictions.

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