FIFA Soccer 13 - Celebrations Trailer

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Check out some of the goofy player celebrations featured in FIFA Soccer 13.


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zxcPSP 7 pts

this is so awesome! better than pes13

zxcPSP 7 pts

also a for multiple flatforms! i'll try this first on psp then to ps3. :D

chechak7 87 pts

i like fifa gameplay than Celebrations

GetafixOz 99 pts

Which is more boring, computer soccer or real soccer ?...zzzzzzzz oops nodded off thinking about it.

Onein 13 pts

 supa_badman  true on that... 

warhawk-geeby 435 pts

Pretty sure most of these celebrations were in FIFA12 :/


Also, as an avid Stoke fan.. I wish Crouch would actually do the robot again!

ssdd_again 48 pts

 warhawk-geeby tbf most of them are in Fifa 11 (I havent played 12).

Love how EA put a big 'NEW' sticker on things that arent new at all every year, I swear they think we're all morons.

zxcPSP 7 pts

 Stolet  wrong. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang!!

supa_badman 36 pts

Ronaldo's celebration shoulda been his 'CALMA' celebration against Barcelona


splinter10 220 pts

Need to be good at street fighter to pull of some of the fifa celebrations. As for the balotelli celebration. that was shitty. Looked to robotic.

jgj75 9 pts

best fifa  eveeeeeeeeeeeeeer


tightwad34 479 pts

I loves me some FIFA, but what is the point of this? I do not care about celebrations or anything that  has nothing to do with the game itself. Sorry, but it just seems so irrelevant.

bensmizzle 10 pts

 tightwad34 its just a bit of fun you boring git

tightwad34 479 pts


 Yeah, yeah. I really wasn't feeling like my happy, outgoing self when I wrote that. About as happy and outgoing as a skinny nerd in a hardened penitentiary.

gamefreak250393 8 pts

PES is better in this area than FIFA......PES has much smoother animation and is much more enjoying....

tightwad34 479 pts


 All the electronic arts sports games have crappy animations. If you watch some Madden, when the quarterback throws the ball it looks like someone taped his hand to the side of the ball and then when the ball comes out it looke like he is throwing it with his forearm, LOL. It has been that way for years, and I have been waiting for them to correct that since I was 18.

afiq_04 5 pts

PES done better than FIFA in cutscene/celebration/enviroment. Tho, FIFA got a better gameplay. 

ponorac92 12 pts

Fucking Explorer commercial !!! I hate it! 

le_me 7 pts

 azrulshahimy well, they were sowing only stiff players :))

azrulshahimy 26 pts

 le_me  azrulshahimy Tbh i was hoping it to be better,with more realistic animations..i still remember the first time i played PES 2010's UCL mode at my cousin's place,the animation/atmosphere blew me away. Celebration/animation wise,PES is better,made you feel really great when you scored a goal..never liked FIFA's-running-around-like-a-madman-until-you-press-a-celebration-button option.

jookiyaya 23 pts

do u have the macerena pose? LOL

MJS88 9 pts

Unfortunately this isn't realistic... They made it so Crouch can actually do the robot :D.


I wish I'd never converted to Fifa. It's brilliant but I'm always so torn about whether to buy this or PES. I want the great customisation of PES but Fifa gameplay is so brilliant :(.

darksonic140 7 pts

 MJS88 Yea, i have that problem too... They must actually work together

karan_sethi954 15 pts

 darksonic140  MJS88 Yeah, they should.But I highly doubt that..

CincoToes 143 pts

 darksonic140  MJS88 Fifa Evolution Soccer

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