
Tuesday 16 October 2012

What to do this week: sow sweet peas and trim roses

Helen Yemm gives her quick tips for the garden this week.

Now is the time to trim fast-growing evergreen hedges
Now is the time to trim fast-growing evergreen hedges  Photo: MARTIN POPE

Trim your roses Remove some of the heavy top growth of big bush roses in exposed sites to prevent wind rock.

Final cut Fast-growing evergreen hedges such as Lonicera should be given a last cut once they have virtually stopped growing. They will look neat until the spring.

Sow sweet peas Sow sweet peas, two or three to a pot, which will give them enough room to develop good root systems before they can be planted out.

In the bag Pick green tomatoes and bring them indoors. They don’t need a windowsill – just put them in a paper bag with a banana (the ethylene given off by the banana will ripen them).

Supporting role Check that tree ties and supports will withstand autumn and winter storms.

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