Fixed width text blocks


Wiki Processor to wrap a <pre></pre> text block to a specified number of columns, 72 by default.

This is especially useful for pasting emails and getting blocks that don't scroll horizontally.

example of macro usage

The EmailProcessorMacro is installed on Trac-Hacks, so you can test it out. Please do so only by previewing, not submitting tickets.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for EmailProcessorMacro are here. If you have any issues, create a new ticket.

Download and Source

Download the zipped source, check out using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


While this is a wiki macro, it is in the new macro format, which is actually a single-file plugin. As of 0.11, old style macros (those installed in the wiki-macros folder and only consisting of an execute function) are no longer supported. This means that this macro needs to be installed in the global plugin directory, or in the trac environment's plugins directory.

  • Copy into the environment's plugins directory
  • Add the following to the environment's trac.ini
    emailprocessor.emailmacro = enabled
  • Restart your server



 <email stuff here>

To wrap to a specified length, the line immediately following the invocation should contain cols: followed by the number of columns at wich we wrap. For example:

 cols: 40
 <email stuff here>

It is important that the cols: starts at the beginning of the line and that only a number follows it.

Recent Changes

[10962] by rjollos on 12/01/11 10:35:55

Refs #6394: Replaced source URL with trac-hacks URL.

[10961] by rjollos on 12/01/11 10:31:37

Refs #6394: Follow-on to [7365]. Added svn:keywords.

[7365] by pacopablo on 01/10/10 08:26:21

Applied patch from rjollos adding revision info to the macro. Also renamed file per rjollos' recommendation. Closes #6394

[3720] by pacopablo on 05/27/08 08:33:19

Added the option of specifying the number of columns to use for wrapping. 0.11 branch is tested, 0.10 is untested, though should work fine. Closes #2584


Author: pacopablo
Maintainer: pacopablo
