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PHOTO: Seventeen Evergreen On Set

Two pics from the recent "Lunar One" video shoot for indie rock band  Seventeen Evergreen: On the left is the band on a moon set built on a Brooklyn stage. On the right is lead singer/astronaut Caleb Pate and Ghost Robot director Elliot Jokelson (holding the guitar).
Lunar Two

Steven Gottlieb at April 23, 2007 in Ghost Robot, Pacific Radio Fire | Permalink

BOOKED: Seventeen Evergreen - Elliot Jokelson, director

artist: Seventeen Evergreen
song: "Lunar One"
label: Lucky Number (UK)/Pacific Radio Fire (US)
director(s): Elliot Jokelson
production co: Ghost Robot

correction: Video Static screwed up and mistakenly attributed this video to another director at Ghost Robot. Video Static begs forgiveness.

Steven Gottlieb at March 28, 2007 in Ghost Robot, Pacific Radio Fire | Permalink

NEW RELEASE: 17 Evergreen "Haven't Been Yourself"

Where's the wet wipes? As if you needed any more proof than the Grizzly Bear "Knife" video that directing team Encyclopedia Pictura is a weird bunch, here comes their warped, oozy vision for spacey indie rockers Seventeen Evergreen. Taking place in what looks like a felt poster depiction of a forest, a crew of sensualists coagulate into one  jagged, strangely sensuous mess. The effect is made possible by ferrofluid, a "stable colloidal suspension of sub-domain magnetic particles in a liquid carrier," or, as best explained to the lay person: It's magnetic goo. For an idea of how this stuff works, check out this test film in which EP manipulates the fluid with electromagnets above and below the camera frame. Additional tidbits on the "making of" can be found in a Q&A over at the video blog Shots Ring Out. --> watch "Haven't Been Yourself"

Seventeen Evergreen "Haven't Been Yourself" (Pacific Radio Fire)
Encyclopedia Pictura, directors/editors/visual FX | Mark De Pace, producer | Ghost Robot, production co | Sean Hellfritsch, DP | Tom Seitzler, photron camea operator

Steven Gottlieb at March 5, 2007 in Ghost Robot, New Releases, Pacific Radio Fire | Permalink