Treyarch defends Call of Duty game engine

Design director David Vonderhaar says he is baffled by fan issues with game engine, says "It runs at 60 [frames per second]...what exactly is there to be upset about?"

Treyarch designer director David Vonderhaar is baffled by the issues fans may have with the Call of Duty game engine. Speaking to the Official Xbox Magazine, Vonderhaar said the Call of Duty: Black Ops II engine is replete with new features and does not resemble any older iteration.

"People like to talk about the engine, but the truth of the matter is that this isn't like something that was invented six years ago," he said. "At this point that engine doesn't resemble anything like any engine. We've ripped out the UI system; the rendering and the lighting are all new, the core gameplay systems are all new."

"To me, it's like I never really understood," Vonderhaar added. "It runs at 60 [frames-per-second] and it's gorgeous. What exactly is there to be upset about with the engine?"

Vonderhaar's comments follow a statement from Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia, who said in May that he is aware fans want a "better-looking" Call of Duty game. He claimed that the studio did not need to build an all-new engine to achieve this, but rather continue to tweak the existing engine to offer new features, like lighting advancements.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He lives in Connecticut, works out of the company's New York City office, and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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Vorheez 8 pts

Still no bullet drop.....Or am I wrong?



valensim 6 pts

I'm fine with the graphics, they still look great. I just want a 10h+ Singleplayer Story... I'm looking at u Modern Warfare.

ChiefFreeman 200 pts

The character models always looked really good, and the way they used baked lightng to show light and shadow ndetail on them as they walked through corridors, etc always looked nice.    most of what looked blah was the lack  of environmental detail and physics.

good_evil 6 pts

Do you remember days, than new game had brand new engine and only expansion packs used the same engine? Every COD game since COD4 should have been called expansion pack! Quake, Diablo, HOMM and many more means that if it has different number to it, you will get new engine!

It is also sad to see AC franchise going COD regarding graphics...

good_evil 6 pts

*It is also sad to see AC franchise taking same path as COD regarding graphics...

PS. no edit for comment - really?

DiscGuru101 100 pts

I haven't been impressed graphically since COD4.

itchyflop 223 pts

"whats there to get upset about" im not upset i think its a class game but its so sluggish, lets have it running at 60 frames but faster paced. Sometimes realism isnt what computer games are all about, more real than real is the goal, but we forget ITS A COMPUTER GAME THEY'RE SPOSE TO BE FUN AND NOT REAL !!! thats the point your taken somewhere else. Though i applaud the realism and all achievements made in the progression of it all. :)


Abhishekad 7 pts

use frostbite 2 engine dumass cod makers

DarxPhil 35 pts

A lot of people don't seem to understand that COD's engine is still based off of really old code, they simply extended off of an already really old engine (Quake 3 era). This is why i pleaded to myself a long time ago i wouldn't buy another COD game until they alteast started top down with a new engine. Because i think it's simply lazyness on there part for not doing so.


I think they understand that COD so mainstream now that it really doesn't matter what they do, it'll still sell millions. Hence the lazyness.

The_GooBear 33 pts

The graphics in CoD are trash. You guys defending it have to realize that textures aren't everything. Other than red explosive barrels, there is nothing interactive about the environments. You can't destroy any of the structures. The physics are crap. Nobody would have that firm of a grip on a firearm while emptying a mag at fully-automatic. That snap on aim has got to go as well. It eliminates the need to lead a shot or draw a bead on anyone.

spikex8 9 pts

Playing MW3 again after months of playing BF3 I would sure my graphical options were reset because of how bad it looked, but everything was still on max. I'm still going to buy Black Ops 2 because I'm sure it will still be an entertaining experience but I really wish they would license Frostbyte 2 some how because it looks much better and actually has some limited bullet physics instead of everything just being hitscan.

itchyflop 223 pts

 spikex8 i agree bf isn't as pretty but i kinda don't want them selling the frostbite engine, how bout they just give bf a visual make over. We don't want the cod boys getting the upper hand, i have both latest games and i don't like cod. bf rules :)

BlackLense 93 pts

They are lazy to invented new engine, that why.

itchyflop 223 pts

 BlackLense ha no the same engine sells massively, its like having the latest i phone !!! and they haven't gotta spend any more money investing in a new engine = more profit. it stinks man but hey people keep buying it i did to see how it looked and i must admit i had 6 months online with it but i never play it now :)

Gravity_Slave 120 pts

Whats to defend?  Developers all over have been using the same engine for years.  Anyone still criticising CoD games are just introverted EMO elitists, swinging around Wii controllers and blowing dust from their PS2's with hopes of "the good ol' days" coming back...

itchyflop 223 pts

 Gravity_Slave they should be swinging move controllers or theyre hands at kinect !! rock on dude :)

dlCHIEF58 184 pts



Maybe so, but very few successful ones are using a 13 year old game engine as the base of their game and feel they need to justify that. . 

TightNinja 5 pts

Bottom line........Graphics in COD are fine. They are too many butthurt COD trolls that for whatever reason hate the game's success.  If you don't like the game don't play it but model for model the COD games look better than BF3 (obvioulsly BF3 is a much larger scale)  just like forza looks better than GTA. The COD games are optimized graphically just fine.  I just played the MOH Warfighter demo and that game looka and plays worse than Socom 2 on PS2.

mrzero1982pt2 141 pts

That is funny... So funny i will not comment. 

Gravity_Slave 120 pts


 and yet you did anyway...

itchyflop 223 pts

 Gravity_Slave  mrzero1982pt2 hahaha!! wicked :)

pedrote 17 pts

Still... CoD's engine, in my opinion, looks better than ID Software's RAGE which was an FPS targeted for consoles, and also runned at 60 FPS too. 

The_GooBear 33 pts

@pedrote It's a totally different art design. CoD goes for a more photo-realistic look while RAGE was meant to appear animated. Shoulda thought before you runned your mouth lol

itchyflop 223 pts

 pedrote cod have a way larger budget and EA underwriting the developers, fair play its been around a long time, i think its earnt its legendary status. i dont play them now but i have all from the beginning and have thoroughly enjoyed them. They ve always been a little controversial too, and i know the settings of these titles will offend some, but they canged the direction and setting from ww2 to real time war now with some good level design. the ending to mw2 was awesome with the pistol and then an added plane level or space one. 

lifemeister 23 pts

 pedrote  GFX are better on RAGE - more detail, sharper image, more creativity, and still runs smooth.

bjornborgue 22 pts

I've always appreciated Call of Duty's art but MW3 did leave a bit to be desired. To be fair though , not all of the locales looked unimpressive.

vault-boy 479 pts

To be completely honest, how many times can you pay for the same God damned game over and over again for 5 fucking years before you just get tired of it? The thing that baffles me the most about CoD is how people haven't just gotten bored of it.

blackwing55 125 pts

 vault-boy Man It sure sounds like you have bought cod every year honestly thats quite baffling.

itchyflop 223 pts

 vault-boy yeah i agree it needs a fresh approach now, maybe a future thing which is sorta in the new one. i mean future. 

TrophyMaster 6 pts

Would be better if they used more realistic gun sounds like bf3

Gravity_Slave 120 pts


 coming from a teen who's probably never fired a gun IRL...BF3 isn't a realistic comparison son.

Gazdakka 6 pts

...Because you're still using the same old-ass animations for guns from 5 years ago? Because the game looks ugly as sin compared to its compatriots? Because it doesn't matter if your game runs at 60 fps if the warzone atmosphere is ruined by having no front lines at all?


Should I go on?

itchyflop 223 pts

 Gazdakka please do im interested.... 

santinegrete 96 pts

LOL! There's an article with exactly the same thematic last year, about CoD MW3 also defending this aged engine, comparing it to a 'Porsche'. Don't believe me? search for it.

I personally don't care, it's not like Call of Duty wants bigger maps or more athmosphere for what it wants to offer. But If I find another CoD fanboy *itching about how Valve's engine Source is outdated - it happens a lot- I'm gonna rip someone's head off.

jayjay444 196 pts

 santinegrete valves source engine is out dated... big smiles:) 







P.S joking and half life 2 in my opinion is still best FPS game ever made:)

santinegrete 96 pts


You are still responsible for the dead of my roommate. LOL jk :D

Jadedfever 62 pts

Well nothing much is wrong with them,THE ONLY PROBLEM IS DATED GRAPHICS.

PlatinumPaladin 294 pts

In all fairness, are the visuals produced by this engine ACTUALLY out dated, or is it just that they haven't improved much and we've grown used to them?

acamith 10 pts

 PlatinumPaladin Yes they are outdated, compare call of dutys visuals to that of Halo 4, Battlefield 3, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Far Cry 3, Dishonored, all of these games have much more superb graphics then the Call of Duty series where I cant help but not notice any difference from the last because it is such little improvement, I mean dont defend this engine.

PlatinumPaladin 294 pts

@acamith As it happens I wasn't defending it, simply asking a question. Why not stick to reading the words I actually type instead of the ones you think I haven't. I mean....

acamith 10 pts

 PlatinumPaladin  acamith My comment was meant to sound hostile, Im sorry if you took it that way, thats the internet huh? 

100proofsoco 291 pts

TL;DR "We didn't give it a new name so haters gon hate"

lifemeister 23 pts

This guy is wrong.  These COD games look outdated and it's the same cheesecake every release.  It's time for new consoles.  They should've made this for next gen.  BUT...time is money; milk it while you can Activision, cause COD is on its way out.

mmc_rizzle 17 pts

 lifemeister but it will still sell MILLIONS..funny right?

lostn 26 pts

If you play on the PC it looks way outdated compared to other shooters. It's nice that it runs at 60 fps, but so does BF3 on my PC, and that game looks way better.


Honestly, I'd rather have 30 fps if it looks twice as good. I've never died or failed to get a kill as a result of only having 30 fps as opposed to 60.

mhallbach1980 9 pts

From a PC gamer perspective, COD is the same year after year graphically and game play wise.  Not to mention there are no dedicated servers!  There is so much more to BF3, I don't think people realize the ENORMOUS TECHNOLOGICAL GAP between the two games. I was playing last night and am still in awe of how gorgeous the game looks and how lifelike player movements are.  Even the sound effects raise the hairs on my arm from time to time because it's so life like.


Again this is from a PC gamer perspective.  I know BF3 on a console is nothing compared to PC.  But in the same token, COD on a PC is identical to the console version.  Which is a true example of a Franchise not attempting to improve quality and pocketing profits.


And then there's the freaking people that complain "I don't want to play at a desk on a small monitor, I want to be on my couch so I can be comfortable"  I play my PC on my 55" LED in my living room!!!!!!  All it takes is a little creativity.  But then again, the type of people that defend what COD has been doing are too lazy to expand their options and are forced to defend the limited tech they use.


OH....AND I PLAY BF3 AT 97 FPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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