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ZombiU Exclusive Walkthrough Trailer

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  • Oct 11, 2012
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Ill be shocked if this game isn't at least "B-" quality but I'm expecting B+ or A- quality, if I were to letter grade it... Very excited for the wii u. I won't buy it though if it totally bombs because I already bought Mario and you know that game is basically guaranteed quality goods... You just can't go wrong with a Mario launch game - it shoulda came packaged in old school style - but they put in Nintendo land cause they skimp now xD

ChariotMan 6 pts

Iam Feeling this Game Right Now. Also this is just they Early Cycle of Games For the Wii U in 1080P

emptycow 77 pts

reminds me of a first person resident evil 1

ShootumUP26 34 pts

Looks like fun! I do not know how I feel about all the chatter going on, takes away from the tension, but still, the game looks decent.

rarson 785 pts

Good to see the Nintendo haters in full force. You can always tell when a Nintendo console will be a huge success by the large number of people hating on it.


It's okay guys, you're still immature and don't yet understand gaming or real life yet. Eventually you'll grow up and realize why so many people buy "gimmicks" and care more about gameplay than technical specs.

Hydrophone 8 pts

 rarson Sure, you look like a real mature person when arguing with those "haters". 

Pieter_1986 19 pts

 rarson Agree, Nintendo sucks.

franci17 21 pts

 Pieter_1986  rarson

 Why, do you have a WIIU already...I dont have a wii, I have a PS3 and a gaming PC, just in case...but I like some of the nintendo titles and the new system is looking good, so why all the hate on something that you not even taste for yourself.

cesarexec22 11 pts

 Pieter_1986  rarson actually your life probably sucks

hardvectorman 17 pts

this is the one game for the Wil u iwant to play

endorbr 1444 pts

Honestly the only Wii U game I'm interested in.

superfly18 39 pts

Its like they are scared to show off the game? What did I just watch? The idea of using a small little screen to snipe just doesn't make sense. Looks like a washed out zombie game with bad graphics, not impressed unfortunately. I just don't understand...the game just doesn't seem to show anything beyond what we've played and using the controller for some gimmicks...

Psycold 454 pts

can't wait to hold a controller in front of my face when I have a big hdtv on the wall..

SCWoodson007 11 pts

 Psycold some of us have to save up for the $250 console. hdtvs are a little out of our reach so its a nice change.

adam1808 213 pts

There's a bit too much talky-talky for my liking, not that I don't enjoy the dulcet tones of my fellow countrymen/women but it does spoil the oppressive atmosphere that zombie games thrive on.

vashish39 6 pts

o.O those graphics on a handheld!!i m impressed 

Daian 597 pts

 vashish39 Ok, this is getting annoying, it's NOT a handheld, it's NOT a tablet, that controller is just a regular one with a touchscreen on it, it has no processing power of its own, it just shows what the console tells it.  It's not a tablet controller or a handheld, it's useless without the console.

sloakz 14 pts

Looks good, set in not-so-sunny blighty as well, but why did it have to be a Wii-u exclusive. The thing reminds me of a game gear.


Daian 597 pts

So it's basically Left 4 Dead with a gimmicky controller instead of 3 partners to help you out. And I don't get the point of this game if you just keep dying and starting out with some other random person until you eventually do succeed.

cesarexec22 11 pts

 Daian actually there is a big difference in gameplay between the two, I think a ten year old can tell you that. Also stop thinking like a simpleton, you start over as another survivor and there is a story behind it you just have to do some simple research!

Ishiban 54 pts

I'm liking what I've seen so far.  I think people need to realize that the game isn't going for complete photo realism.

PetJel 351 pts

Honestly this is the first time I've ever been interested in a current gen Nintendo console. Well played Nintendo.


Except motion controls and touchscreens. Still hate that tbh.

Code135 39 pts

Another interesting game not coming to PC ... *sigh*

bongsyas_23 287 pts

this game should be played with a keyboard and mouse

albinopig 57 pts


 No, because the controller is well implemented, making the game playable with a keyboard and mouse would just make it a more generic zombie game.

ThAdEa82 39 pts

 bongsyas_23 PC section is in another castle

ztg360 95 pts

 bongsyas_23 This game should be played with a controller because movement is by far superior on consoles which everyone knows

Joedgabe 63 pts

It.... doesn't look good...... :s maybe the trailer doesn't show the full potential of the game but as of now i'm thinking it's only hyped because of the Nintendo logo.

SCWoodson007 11 pts

 Joedgabe I agree. It looked really good previously. Last time I saw it was i think E3 but they had a lot more interesting features than using the controller for a scope. hopefully this was just a bad trailer that didn't showcase the game as well as it could have.

LeoLex_ 21 pts

haha omg nintendo catch up already...

rahmie0789 18 pts

its amazing how people confuse character modules as actual graphic performance. The modules are a bit dated but the lighting effects, frame rate and full hd are what really do the hardware justice. Weather this game takes advantage of that or not is to be seen,but wii u games have much better performance POTENTIAL than the 360 and ps3 mainly due to better hardware.

CivilizedPsycho 85 pts

Looks interesting....but couldn't they come up with a better name for the title?!  Sounds so generic!

OHGFawx 328 pts

 CivilizedPsycho I guess they decided that all we needed to know is that its zombie killing on the Wii U.

PetJel 351 pts

 CivilizedPsycho It's like with the N64, half the games had '64' behind the title.

paulsifer42 42 pts

Only on the Wii U huh... that's too bad.


dawson81 5 pts

I feel sorry for any game rated M on the Wii U, since no one over 17 will buy the system.  Maybe the kids can get mom to buy this game for them?

Cillah187 167 pts

 dawson81  I'm 20 and I'm buying a Wii U.I have friends older than me and they're buying it.It's sold out practically everywhere.You can't tell me that they are all kids or parents buying it for kids.

There are such things as real gamers.As in gamers who buy anything to do with gaming and game just for the sake of gaming.Not just the "hardcore" P.C/one-console only gamers.

ziggyww 8 pts

 Cillah187  dawson81 Yeah but why would i want to buy a new console to play another mario party etc 

Sleepyhun1 21 pts

 ziggyww  Cillah187  dawson81 

Im 23 and im having one too.

ziggyww you guys do such a great job at forgetting all the games except mario.

ziggyww 8 pts

 Sleepyhun1  Cillah187  dawson81 Well TBF the Nintendo consoles atm isn't well known for its third party support is it. Yeah the Wii U has abit more wider appeal but you have to admit its still not that much and how long is it going to last when the new PS and Xbox come out probs towards the end of next year. But if you take away third party games all together what has NINTENDO inhouse games studios done that's any different with new IP's atleast. PS3 has got new IP's and still got new ones coming out next year and yeah the 360 doesn't have alot of new IP's coming out now but atleast they chucked out a few new ones this generation. All I seem you to see from Nintendo is the same games recycled over and over again with no mention of a new IP or anything. If you want to play Nintendo by all means by it and play it and hope you enjoy it, I though can not stand to part with any of my hard earned cash for anything that says Nintendo on the box unless they change and bring out something new in the terms of games and not how to play the same games on their older consoles but it a different way

SCWoodson007 11 pts

 ziggyww  Cillah187  dawson81 Monster Hunter 3 is going to be worth it for me.  Scribblenauts, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2 are all gonna be some fantastic icing on the cake.  To that end, I only feel like I need to save up for it by march because that's when a lot of the highlight games will have come out (including Monster Hunter)

albinopig 57 pts


 I'm 20 aswell and i'm buying a WiiU because so far it is being released with good games in it's launch window. Also Bayonetta 2 will be worth it :)

cesarexec22 11 pts

 dawson81 you must be either living a cave or your mothers basement for too long to really think like that smh, and judging by all the videos with people playing the demos , It seems everyone single looked over 18 years old. Or is that just me?!!

OurSin-360 151 pts

I wonder if the control gimmick will actually be engaging or just annoying.

albinopig 57 pts


 From what I played (demos at various events) it is VERY engaging and not annoying whatsoever. Much more engaging than if it was on a console or PC

Daian 597 pts

 OurSin-360 I feel like it's more distracting than anything, the novelty wears off just like the initial interest in the Wii's terrible motion controls.

DrBacon506 5 pts

It looks cool, but I won't be buying a new console just to play it.

Merex760 62 pts

This actually looks pretty damn awesome. 

Master_2 15 pts

Everybody this is just the beginning of the Wii U so of course the Graphic aren't that great but maybe later on when they start to push the Wii U to its limit the graphic will get better. So...calm down.

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