Wii U will be region-locked - Report

Nintendo reportedly confirmed new console will follow in the footsteps of the Wii and 3DS by implementing a region-locking feature.

Nintendo has reportedly confirmed the Wii U will be region-locked.

The publisher made the original statement in the Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu (as reported by GameSpot sister site CNET), seemingly confirming the Wii U--just like the Wii and 3DS before it--will not allow gamers to play titles imported from other regions.

Nintendo's region-locking policy has been in place since the days of the Nintendo Entertainment System for some of its devices, and has often been the cause of discontent among gamers.

The Wii U will launch on November 18 in the U.S. The system will be available in two bundles: a $299 8GB white basic model and a $350 32GB deluxe black version.

For more on the Wii U launch, check out GameSpot's full report.

Laura Parker
By Laura Parker, Associate Editor

Laura Parker is the Associate Editor of GameSpot Australia. She loves adventure games, sparkly stuff, Trivial Pursuit, cake, Master Chief, earthworms, and rhetorical questions. She once stole a sandwich from Peter Molyneux.

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jon_bone 6 pts

SCREW REGION LOCKS!!! That is all.

tgwolf 117 pts

Yesiree, no surprises here. You're not making it very easy to like Nintendo, and this coming from a fan...

l2humpie 20 pts

My Wii is fully hacked and so will be my Wii-U. It's just a matter of time.

Darth_Tyrranus 59 pts

Well, I guess this ensures that I will not be buying a Wii U.  Thanks a lot, Nintendo.

BestJinjo 240 pts

Wasn't PS3 region locked too? My buddy moved to Australia and I can't buy him cheaper games in US/Canada and send them over. He had to a buy a new PS3 over there. 

damodar_thade 134 pts


 PS3 is region free but like bluray movies certain game discs are region encoded.

onixevil 47 pts

Nintendo knows how to make it the number one best selling hardware in japan and other regions .

onixevil 47 pts

The future Emulator will unlocked it ?

Klikandclick 12 pts

Eh, the software/hardware modders will fix this up anyway...


nintendoboy16 297 pts

This sucks, but we should NOT be surprised. Even PS Vita is starting to lock some things.

damodar_thade 134 pts

Think i'll be staying with the PC for the "next Gen" and just leave the consoles alone.

Battle_Pants 34 pts

Oh come on! Region Lock Out? Really?

I'm european and there are still some games that I would like to play, which isn't available in europe. And it would be really nice to have the opportunity to buy a game when i travel to the US or Japan and not having to worry about whether the game works or not.

Sorry for my bad English.

Red_hot_smasher 9 pts

 Battle_Pants Don't worry, just like people have invented ways around region locks for pretty much every console released so far, one way or another they'll bypass this too, eventually.

As the old saying goes, when there's a will, there's a way.

Vodoo 562 pts

No surprise there. Only Sony unlocks their systems. Doesn't really matter much because 99% of gamers only play stuff from their region anyways.

Red_hot_smasher 9 pts

 Vodoo You're right about the PS3 being region free, but I'm pretty sure both the PS1 and PS2 were region locked. Don't know about PSP/Vita though.

Henninger 206 pts

I dont get why they do this. But whatever i have no control over it.

Killer6b9 139 pts

Here is a idea....if you like Japanese games buy a Japanese system......I really don't want to play a game I can't truly follow because I can't understand what anything says.....non effecting to me.....

dreamfist11 288 pts

 Killer6b9 Lol, ladies and gentlemen, a prime example of the nintendo fanboy "well I didn't want that anyways" typical reaction.  guess what killer6b9, MORE OPTIONS ARE A GOOD THING

This comment has been deleted
dreamfist11 288 pts

 Killer6b9 Sorry but i guess you don't know were in tough times right now, most of us can't afford to buy the same system TWICE like you say you do "Most people want something for nothing"  you are seriously one fucked consumer, like seriously something is wrong in your head for you to feel proud that you buy a system and then go and buy it again just because a company couldnt leave it region free.  Perhaps its because It gives you a false sense of superiority? hmmm whatever the case something is wrong

aryanbrar 116 pts

 Killer6b9  dreamfist11 

lol thats dumbest thing i have ever heard. so let me get this right i have to buy console i already own just to play games from other reasons. thats such a waste of money

DeltaCobra 10 pts

 dreamfist11  Killer6b9 Chill out dude, so it sounds like your not in a good place financially right now, we feel for you. No need to bite the guys head off.. what hes saying is how life works. You think being able to buy some video game consoles makes you rich? Speak to the guys who make customized yachts for travelling round the world, with space for their cars on board.. games consoles? Not so much. 

Battle_Pants 34 pts

 Killer6b9 But what about Europe? We don't get all the games over here. Are you saying that i need to buy a EU-system AND a US-system? It's the same hardware then i should be able to play a game no matter where i buy it.

Killer6b9 139 pts

 Battle_Pants Just so everyone understands, it is not always the console that is locked but the games. The PS3 and Xbox 360 are the same way....you will find games you will not be able to play due to region locks. Here is a website for Xbox just for instance.....http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-00-3-xbox360_compatibility_guide-49-en.html    still invalid argument.

Killer6b9 139 pts

 Battle_Pants And for the people that are about to say no way no Sony.....here is one for you as well...http://www.ps3news.com/tag/locked


dreamfist11 288 pts

 Killer6b9 sorry to burst you bubble but your not the one that decides what is and isn't an invalid argument.  and Im not a stupid consumer like you, i don't agree with microsoft or sony region locking their systems either, so still YOUR argument is invalid

Battle_Pants 34 pts

 Killer6b9 My point is that I should be able to play a game no matter where i buy it. I don't really care about who puts the region lock in place. I don't  like when hardware manufacturers do it no matter if it's Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony, I don't like when developers do it, I don't like region lock. Period.

Why shouldn't I be able to play a game when i already own the hardware?

aryanbrar 116 pts

 Killer6b9  Battle_Pants 

ahh ps3 is region free, i buy japanese games. when they arrive, i open it  and pop it in. bam it works, no region lock messages, no buying different region system.


JDWolfie 64 pts

Does that mean on launch day, they will be keeping their Wii U's in locks or something?

dreamfist11 288 pts

Greedtendo I mean Nintendo region lock benefit: Nintendo

dreamfist11 288 pts

LOLOLOL IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER DOESNT IT NINTENDO FANBOYS!?!?  "No nintendo would never do that" pffft!!  Nintendo just trololold all nintendo fanboys ROFLMAO

Red_hot_smasher 9 pts

 dreamfist11 What dummy said that? Every console Nintendo's released so far has been region locked, why would this be any different?

DragonRift 569 pts

Region locking is pointless.  If I buy a legitimate copy from another country, why should I be unable to play it here, at home, on a system I ALSO bought, but in the US instead?


This does not benefit you.  If anything, it HURTS you, because you're completely nixing your import market.

craigprime 212 pts

C'mon, people. Where's your American spirit?.....................Yea, region lock is NOT one of Nintendo's better "innovations".

hadlee73 536 pts

Well that's torn that. I'm still trying to deal with all the things I CAN'T buy for my 3DS (I can't even get Nintendo to take my money), and now the Wii U is going to be the same. A shame, really.

xolivierx 170 pts

What I read is : FOOK YOU america, you are not getting Fatal Frame

Suikogaiden 520 pts

WiiiiiiiiiiU WIiiiiiiiiiU WiiiiiiiiiiiiiiU, that's the sound of the ambulance coming to help poor sick Nintendo.

abHS4L88 1716 pts


*KaCHING* is the sound Nintendo will be hearing when the Wii U launches.

Shawn45 179 pts



What purpose does this serve?! Seriously!

pizzamuncher 56 pts

Well then you better localize every game someone wants, Nintendo. Region-locking benefits no one. 

ZeroX91 131 pts

 pizzamuncher That's not entirely true it benefits the local market by preventing someone from buying it cheaper from another region. Would I prefer that it wasn't region locked yea, but it does benefit the game makers. All I can say is NoA better do a better job in the localization department this time around.

aryanbrar 116 pts

 ZeroX91  pizzamuncher

even if the game is cheaper in another region, you still have to ship it. its not gonna magically fly to your house. not to mention some stupid countries cough* canada cough excuse me have high customs feeds

dreamfist11 288 pts

 aryanbrar How dare you, THEY HAVE HOCKEY you sick bastard...how dare you...how dare...

pizzamuncher 56 pts

 ZeroX91 That's a good point. As long as localization is handled well, it isn't a big deal. 

Flint247 342 pts

I do not import games so this doesn't bother me. If you like importing games, that's fine, but saying this console will fail because it is region locked is unnecessary. This is entirely subjective.


The Wii U will still be a great console even if it is region-locked. Learn to accept what is given to you and make the best of it.

HaloPimp978 156 pts

This is so stupid. PS4 and 720 will be region free meanwhile Nintendo decides to lock out imported games. I guess they want people to spend 400 bucks to buy a Japanese Wii U which won't do.

Red_hot_smasher 9 pts

 HaloPimp978 "PS4 and 720 will be region free" Says ****ing who? Experience says they will be, just like pretty much every console released after the NES.

HaloPimp978 156 pts

 Red_hot_smasher Well based on Sony's history PS4 will be region free because The PSV is and so is the PS3.

N4o7A 35 pts

Why do they even do this? What benefits come from region locking your consoles? You only end up making your fans wait months and years to localize a game...

MrHanky35 28 pts

 N4o7A i think (but not sure) its to make changes that are acceptable to certain audiences. some games are more... Japanese then others and cant be released in other counties due to laws and culture differences. they might take out say a pointless swimsuit scene in a game or take out a long hard extra endgame boss battle. or for E rated games like brawl they change some of the character scripts to write off say "oh my god" to something else as america is more sensitive to that. an exe of something else back in the pokemon cards days was "Mistys tears" jp card, look it up to laugh. i actually got one somehow way bk when.

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