Medal of Honor: Warfighter Beta Challenge

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  • Oct 4, 2012

Watch the replay of our Medal of Honor: Warfighter Beta Challenge - a bracket tournament with users versus the MoH QA Team!

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maximo 88 pts




maximo 88 pts

I just hope that MP s a BIG improvement over the last iteration of subpar, frustrating nonsense.



euphoric666 24 pts

Just played and loved the soundtrack and the way that the game keeps the action like an movie.

radcrab123 72 pts

Medal of honor 1999 was the reason call of duty was created cause infinity ward were developers of MoH Who decided to create there own game that was not produced by EA.For several or more years call of duty has striked at the heart of Its father, Medal of honor killing the franchise peice by peice and when COD 4 MW Was released the end of MoH Was predicted but they kept fighting on but they didnt win. MoH Airborne was the final game but soon it died and said its final words as the Coffin closed shut....3 Years Later the FPS Global gaming war has started. BF3 and COD Have been in a bloody never ending war. A new game developer company know as Danger Close knew they had to be in the fight they decided they will resurrect the whole MoH Franchise. MOH 2010 Had a very emotional campaign but the multiplayer was horrible because Dice was to busy on BF3 so they just put a bunch of broken matches and millions of glitiches in. 2 years later the FPS Gaming war still rages on this time the battle is on Danger close fires DICE And does the singleplayer and multiplayer CoD BLOPS2 Is coming out but the news horrified them, when they found out about MoH Warfighter they thought it was going to fail but when they played the beta they started Sweating all over the floor. Will the FPS Gaming war be dominater by warfighter? We shall find out........

radcrab123 72 pts

i meant Treyarch is making BLOPS2

hawaiian8 17 pts

OK, I think we know what the kill cam screen looks like!

wrestlingdude 37 pts

Playing the Beta right now, WAY MORE Tactical than Call of Duty and a HUGE improvement from the last MOH.  Props to Danger Close & EA, I've got my copy reserved!!  Goodbye Call of Duty, goodbye.

radcrab123 72 pts



wizzzer_thy_133 84 pts

Graphics? graphics are what i would say... uneven. the animations, the lighting, the shaders and the particles as expected are really advanced thanks to the FB 2.0 engine... but holy cow some textures look like they are from 2005. 

i bet the game will look amazing on a PC, but wow this one seems to be scaled down really poorly for consoles, which brings me to not tossing a single F*** since i have a pretty good PC. fireteam system looks promising.

Batian430 6 pts

Graph suck and for those intérest no Legacy controller available

Archxaniotiss 14 pts

this games looks to be the same as COD with better graphics.Though tis graphics are worse than Crysis'.I wouldnt spend any money on it,i would stick to bf3.I dont know about singleplayer but multiplayer doesnt seem to have different formula than any other FPS.

splinter10 191 pts

looooooooool that blue team leader is fucking clown

LeftCoastCANUCK 8 pts

This is  LeftCoastCANUCK from Team EA: Just wanted to say: It was fun playing against you GameSpot guys! You can talk all the trash you want, but until you average 40-60 kills...I own you all! ;)

Gigas_Yuu 18 pts

 LeftCoastCANUCK You were AMAZING. And you've had a lot more time to get those nasty averages, Mister! But thank you for all the work you guys did - you've helped make an amazing game.P.S. We were already sore at you from the get-go for being a Canucks fan (we assume) when we're Sharks fans!P.S.S. Thank you for humiliating blue and purple.#TEAMWHITE!

LeftCoastCANUCK 8 pts

 Gigas_Yuu You guys did really well. Gotta hand it to you and knowing how to lay down some uber smoke-cover...we couldnt see 2 feet in front of us...good strategy! And of COURSE I'm a Canucks fan! I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves. It's not often we just get to play and kick it as part of the QA team. We're usually trying to problem-find and problem-solve, so this was a nice change of pace for us. 

LeftCoastCANUCK 8 pts

 Gigas_Yuu Oh..and enjoy the free copy!! Here's a hint: Check out the "Change Unit" mode. Your class will change nations and have a slightly different loadout...different weapons, etc. Example: Check out the Spec-Ops class, go to "Change Unit", select US-Seals and you'll be running with a suppressed SMG with a red-dot sight instead of the Canadian JTF2's Ironsighted Assault Rifle.

Gigas_Yuu 18 pts

 LeftCoastCANUCK Okay, I did not know that at all. Thanks a lot! I was using the iron sights (I think) the entire time after I had accidentally selected sniper. Then sometimes I would just want to get back into the game asap since you, personally, were laying the smackdown on my team.

LeftCoastCANUCK 8 pts

 Gigas_Yuu Always a pleasure to show the world how we do things in Canada! Hope to see you online, man! LeftCoastCANUCK is my actual gamertag!

Gigas_Yuu 18 pts

 LeftCoastCANUCK I will definitely add you, brother! Are you and your team responsible for debugging all the versions of MoH or strictly the Xbox 360 version?Are you allowed to tell us which of the bugs or glitches was the most hilarious for you guys to exploit in matches against one another?

Conjuredevil 9 pts

 Gigas_Yuu  LeftCoastCANUCK # TEAMWHITE!


sneakthief81 13 pts

I'm hardcore MoH 2010 Fan..spent 30minutes on the beta and I gotta admit..the beta bites A$$..just saying..

WaRp14 5 pts

The weapon recoils look increased almost uncontrollable compared to BF3. They might want to look into toning it down a bit cause these guys aim and burst is all over the place. 

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

 WaRp14 Its because killing only takes a few bullets

oo7superdave 23 pts

in game marketplace - demo section there was an advertisement in the bottom right corner that allowed me to down load it


MikeManiac61 15 pts

 oo7superdave In the U.S? sorry for the stupid question but im at work

buccomatic 1507 pts

 MikeManiac61  oo7superdave it's up here in the USA - EST zone.

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

Well its official, I have trolled this message board. It is now time to go on with my life.


omghaxor45 49 pts

if this isnt call of duty then what is it?

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

Medal of Honor Warfighter...


It looks nothing like COD to me.

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

I love people complaining about a game they havent played yet.

jorge69696 142 pts

 scouttrooperbob I love when EA's Special Forces show up.

Liquid_ 37 pts

given ea's history with fps and with gameplay bits i saw its pretty obvious this game will suck. unless they plan on changing the entire game shortly before its released but we all know that wont happen

buccomatic 1507 pts

 Liquid_ more like you're just a message board disrupting CoD fan who's scared MoH: WF is going to stomp your recycled garbage games tiny nuts into dust.

Liquid_ 37 pts

@buccomatic butthurt bandit to the rescue

Luizao2779 16 pts

 Liquid_ Dude I really don't know what you are talking about! I have played the 3 MWs, the last MOH and BF3, and let me tell you Activision lost a player. I really like EA shooters better.

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

 Luizao2779  Liquid_ I agree,  medal of honor was actually great game, BF has always been amazing, but COD... has always been COD nothing more nothing less.

Liquid_ 37 pts

@Luizao2779 the only good shooter ea ever shelled out was mohaa. but you were probably still a twinkle in the eye upon its release so you settled with below average games like ea's latest moh installment and the bf series

Liquid_ 37 pts

@scouttrooperbob @Luizao2779 cod may be crap now but cod 1;2 and 4 were amazing games and were way better than anything ea could crap out. there is a reason why million dollar tournaments are held for the cod games while moh and bf sit akwardly in a corner

Luizao2779 16 pts

 Liquid_  Luizao2779 I actually played Allied Assault on my PC when it released and had play most MoH that were released for the PC (not a console guy until PS3). I really liked their campaigns. I think that what COD brought different at the time was the MP side. I still prefer BF3 MP.

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

The game is using the frostbite 2 engine, If your complaining about graphics you are playing on a 11'' standard television and you forgot to put you glasses in.

buccomatic 1507 pts

oh i just figured out why the demo isn't up.


they decided to wait until 3-4 pm EST so that 50 million teenagers will get home from school, download the demo and crash the servers.


Gravity_Slave 115 pts


 its definitely a red flag. A game launch delay is one thing, but if they have to delay a beta?...not good news. But yeah, that'd be just wonderful sitting in a perpetual pending status waiting to d/l MoH beta

scouttrooperbob 20 pts

 Gravity_Slave  buccomatic 

I dont think its EA, I think it M$. They didnt release counter strike the day it was supposed to be released, so  bought it off psn, Best part of having both consoles.

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