
iPad Teaser Pushes Apple Valuation to All-Time High

Posted February 29, 2012 by M.H. Williams

Yesterday, Apple teased the reveal of the next iPad, with a press event currently scheduled on March 7.  The teaser of the announcement sent the financial sector into fits, with shares currently sitting at $541.56 after a high of $547.61. 

Our crazy stacks of cash.

According to Bloomberg, this puts Apple’s market cap above $500 billion. This makes Apple the highest valued company in the world.

That’s even before the next iPad hits stores.  Wow.

M.H. Williams has been writing in some form or another for ten years and has been a hardcore gamer since the NES first graced American shores.  You can catch him on Twitter as @AutomaticZen, Google+ as himself, or on his personal Facebook page.



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