Motivational Monday: Become An “I Can and I Will” Person!

We see them everyday.
People who seem to just cut through the fat and just get things done.  Seemingly without fear or hesitation.
These people are merely acting out the potential that is in all of us already–to be “I Can and I Will” type folks.
Try it today! It’s…

Smiling Is Good For You!!

It’s funny, I just Tweeted the other day that I was smiling even more than usual as I made my way through my journeys and it made doors open wide for me, literally and figuratively.
Smiling is powerful.
For you AND for others.
Songs and poetry have been written cherishing…

Fitness In Middle Age Helps Reduce Chronic Disease

The saying it’s never too late is still largely true for most of us, regarding most things.
It’s certainly true when it comes to working out in your 50s.
You might assume that if you didn’t get in shape by your 20s or 30s that you were doomed to bad…

How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love My Bald Head

I will never forget the first time I realized I was losing my hair.
Every morning I’d wake up to a LOT of hair on my pillow. And yes, it was MY hair.
Hair started collecting more than usual every day when I’d wash my hair.
Not good.
And then…

Motivational Monday: Who Do You Surround Yourself With and Is It That Ok?

My mentor Jim Rohn always focused on a very important series of questions we need to ask ourselves constantly.
Who am I surrounded by? What are they doing to me? And is that ok?
Who are you surrounding yourself with? What kinds of things do they have you do, read,…

Motivational Monday: Program Your Mind to Help You Become Your Best Self!

We were at the California State Fair recently and I always love the hypnotist show they have ever year. Where people strut around the stage doing the oddest things.
I admit, I used to think it was just carnival fare and the modern equivalent of the three headed pig or…

Obama, the Non-Businessman, Lectures Businesses On How They Got Where They Are!

President Obama has never sold a hot dog on a summer day, let alone run a business.
That’s the truth.
He was a part time State Senator. Then a part time US Senator. Wrote a few books. Made himself a millionaire.
But he’s never met a payroll. He’s never run…

Your Power of Awareness!

I just read The Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard, one of the shortest yet most powerful books you are likely to read.
This book has inspired some of my biggest mentors, including Dr. Wayne Dyer.
It talks about one of my favorite subjects and philosophies and that is our THOUGHTS…

Could Dementia Be Caused By a Stressful Lifestyle?

No, I have not become a self help coach yet.
Hoping you don’t mind that my latest blogs tend to revolve around mind-body stories and studies in the news.
I’ve always liked Dr. Wayne Dyer’s view of stress. He says that there is really no such thing as stress in…

Study Finds the Mind Prefers a Run Through the Forest vs. the Gym

I’m really enjoying mind-body topics because I think they are critical in helping us become healthier, happier people.
A new study finds that people with depression and anxiety benefit more from a run or stroll through a forest or park than the same exercise at the local gym.
In fact,…