Database Statistics

Last updated: 2012-10-04 00:00 floating

Basic metadata

Core Entities
Artists: 692,246
Release Groups: 891,703
Releases: 1,076,405
Mediums: 1,186,987
Recordings: 11,607,252
Labels: 63,345
Works: 310,447
URLs: 1,437,460
Other Entities
Editors: 624,682
Relationships: 4,561,369
CD Stubs (all time / current): 305,630/ 272,104
Tags (raw / aggregated): 1,314,991 / 28,737
Ratings (raw / aggregated): 225,995 / 188,508
PUIDs (all / unique): 5,937,504/5,400,651
ISRCs (all / unique): 282,181/271,575
ISWCs (all / unique): 30,524/30,372
Disc IDs: 511,313
Barcodes: 301,222
IPIs: 5,127


Artists: 692,246
of type Person: 319,187 46.1%
of type Group: 176,361 25.5%
of type Other: 723 0.1%
with no type set: 195,975 28.3%
with appearances in artist credits: 523,161 75.6%
with no appearances in artist credits: 169,085 24.4%
Non-group artists: 515,885
Male: 76,843 14.9%
Female: 22,945 4.4%
Other gender: 40 0.0%
with no gender set: 416,057 80.6%

Releases, Data Quality, and Disc IDs

Releases: 1,076,405
by various artists: 117,317 10.9%
by a single artist: 959,088 89.1%
Release Status
Releases: 1,076,405
Official 964,133 89.6%
Promotion 32,533 3.0%
Bootleg 27,124 2.5%
Pseudo-Release 6,906 0.6%
No status set 45,709 4.2%
Release Packaging
Releases: 1,076,405
Jewel Case 48,436 4.5%
Slim Jewel Case 3,000 0.3%
Digipak 8,784 0.8%
Cardboard/Paper Sleeve 18,426 1.7%
Other 3,696 0.3%
Keep Case 352 0.0%
None 18,803 1.7%
No packaging set 974,908 90.6%
Data Quality
Releases: 1,076,405
High Data Quality: 2,217 0.2%
Default Data Quality: 1,073,465 99.7%
Normal Data Quality: 1,687 0.2%
Unknown Data Quality: 1,071,778 99.8%
Low Data Quality: 722 0.1%
Disc IDs
Disc IDs: 511,313
Releases: 1,076,405
Releases with no disc IDs: 662,492 61.5%
Releases with at least one disc ID: 413,913 38.5%
with 1 disc ID: 316,750 76.5%
with 2 disc IDs: 57,073 13.8%
with 3 disc IDs: 16,655 4.0%
with 4 disc IDs: 8,426 2.0%
with 5 disc IDs: 4,360 1.1%
with 6 disc IDs: 2,870 0.7%
with 7 disc IDs: 1,797 0.4%
with 8 disc IDs: 1,341 0.3%
with 9 disc IDs: 955 0.2%
with 10 or more disc IDs: 3,686 0.9%
Mediums: 1,186,987
Mediums with no disc IDs: 719,666 60.6%
Mediums with at least one disc ID: 467,321 39.4%
with 1 disc ID: 392,695 84.0%
with 2 disc IDs: 43,405 9.3%
with 3 disc IDs: 13,259 2.8%
with 4 disc IDs: 6,035 1.3%
with 5 disc IDs: 3,377 0.7%
with 6 disc IDs: 2,264 0.5%
with 7 disc IDs: 1,542 0.3%
with 8 disc IDs: 1,087 0.2%
with 9 disc IDs: 784 0.2%
with 10 or more disc IDs: 2,873 0.6%

Release Groups

Primary Types
Release Groups: 891,703
Album 631,901 70.9%
Other 24,778 2.8%
Broadcast 32 0.0%
Single 116,638 13.1%
EP 71,445 8.0%
Secondary Types
Release Groups: 891,703
Compilation 157,966 17.7%
Soundtrack 18,423 2.1%
Spokenword 4,570 0.5%
Interview 426 0.0%
Audiobook 3,539 0.4%
Live 44,158 5.0%
Remix 7,899 0.9%
DJ-mix 1,131 0.1%
Mixtape/Street 422 0.0%

Recordings and PUIDs

Recordings: 11,607,252
Recordings with no PUIDs: 7,219,921 62.2%
Recordings with at least one PUID: 4,387,331 37.8%
with 1 PUID: 3,569,135 81.4%
with 2 PUIDs: 543,146 12.4%
with 3 PUIDs: 142,397 3.2%
with 4 PUIDs: 54,891 1.3%
with 5 PUIDs: 26,657 0.6%
with 6 PUIDs: 14,900 0.3%
with 7 PUIDs: 9,508 0.2%
with 8 PUIDs: 6,149 0.1%
with 9 PUIDs: 4,358 0.1%
with 10 or more PUIDs: 16,190 0.4%
PUIDs (on recordings): 5,937,504
PUIDs (distinct IDs): 5,400,651
which identify 1 recording: 4,988,718 92.4%
which identify 2 recordings: 332,263 6.2%
which identify 3 recordings: 54,461 1.0%
which identify 4 recordings: 14,949 0.3%
which identify 5 recordings: 5,520 0.1%
which identify 6 recordings: 2,405 0.0%
which identify 7 recordings: 1,138 0.0%
which identify 8 recordings: 564 0.0%
which identify 9 recordings: 296 0.0%
which identify 10+ recordings: 337 0.0%

Editors, Edits, and Votes

Editors: 624,682
active last week: 1,036 0.2%
who edited last week: 1,001 96.6%
who voted last week: 138 13.3%
Edits: 15,953,323
Open: 46,063 0.3%
Applied: 15,489,861 97.1%
Voted down: 151,001 0.9%
Failed (dependency): 26,183 0.2%
Failed (prerequisite): 36,641 0.2%
Failed (internal error): 4,297 0.0%
Cancelled: 198,678 1.2%
Edits: 15,953,323
Last Week: 65,135 0.4%
Yesterday: 9,773 15.0%
Votes: 9,280,703
Approve: 20,107 0.2%
Yes: 5,637,699 60.7%
No: 401,327 4.3%
Abstain: 3,221,570 34.7%
Votes: 9,280,703
Last Week: 15,799 0.2%
Yesterday: 1,764 11.2%