MusicBrainz for Android

Products > MusicBrainz for Android


MusicBrainz for Android is a mobile app for viewing MusicBrainz data on the Android platform. It provides the following functionality:


The app is available to download through Google Play. It was first published on 1st August 2011.


If you think you have found a bug, please report it on the issue tracker. The app is still developed and some new features are planned. You can suggest and vote for new features in the same location.


Android app development has been led by Jamie McDonald. It began as a Google Summer of Code project in 2010. The app communicates with MusicBrainz servers through the XML Web Service/Version 2.

The source code for the app is maintained on GitHub and you can get it with all its history using:

git clone git://

If you are interested in providing development assistance, contact us by posting on the developers mailing list, join the #musicbrainz IRC channel on or simply fork the project and make pull requests on GitHub.


MusicBrainz for Android is licensed under the GPL version 3 or later with sections under the Apache License version 2.