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Indie Developers Submission FAQ



SUBMISSION STATUS: CLOSED (to reopen August 2012)

Dear Indie Developers,

With the independent RPG scene blossoming, it has come to our attention that there's a whole slew of new and upcoming talent just waiting to be discovered. Despite the large size of our regular coverage, we still wish to promote, review, and showcase independent talent. If you are interested in submitting an RPG for us to cover, here are some things to consider:

1. Coverage of independent RPGs will be selected by the news and review staff. We do not have the time nor the man-power to review every single indie title that is submitted, and as such, we will be reviewing each submission on a case by case basis.

2. Some media and/or a website, ideally with a game logo included, must be provided for the title in order for us to determine if it's something we wish to cover. Please bear in mind that not every title submitted will be selected for coverage.

3. No Freeware titles. RPGamer currently only covers retail releases of products. This includes free-to-play MMORPGs, which we do not cover unless they are considered major releases. We have an Indie Games Recommendation Thread on the forums, but please note our forums have a strict no-spam policy so this should not be your first/only post. Our members are happy to receive recommendations from developers who become part of our community. Fail to abide by our forum rules will result in a swift banning as this action is completely unacceptable.

4. Independent games, like all games we cover, may be reviewed by any active member of RPGamer's staff, and there is no guarantee that a particular reviewer will play a particular game. Also bear in mind that we review games to completion, which can be a time-consuming process. Do not hassle us via e-mail in terms of when you will see a review. Considering the large number of games we review in the year with a small staff size, major releases will take priority.

5. No plagiarized content. This is more common in the RPGMaker scene, but this is something that will be monitored during the review process. Do not use content from existing games and treat it as your own. If you've borrowed music or sprites from another game without permission and credit, we will deny coverage to your game.

6. Considering the quality and production values in a lot of recent indie efforts, indie titles will be reviewed using the same review standards and scoring method as all other games. For more information on our scoring definitions, click here.

While we wish we could cover every RPG that is released, it's simply not possible. However, we encourage developers to submit games to us, as many games that meet our quality standards will be selected for coverage. If your game is selected for coverage, we will contact you. We will also contact you if we need more information. If you do not hear from us, we are either unable to evaluate your game or coverage has been denied. Games submitted during busy periods may be delayed or rejected, but we encourage you to re-submit during quieter periods, in particular during the summer months.

For those interested in submitting, please e-mail, with all attached information. Any game that is submitted without media will be rejected. Questions and comments can be directed to us via e-mail or on our forums.

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