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Rivr for Displays Images, Locations and More Using Annotations

I’ve been playing with a slick client called Rivr in beta for a while now and it has just been released on Apple’s App Store. The client is one…


Apple's Excessive Work Week Progress Report

Apple has updated its Labor and Human Rights page to detailing its efforts to curtail excessive work weeks in its suppliers factories, like Foxconn in China. The updates include the…

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Digg Adds iPad Support to iOS App

Today Digg released an update to its iOS application, adding support for iPad to its mix. The new version, 3.1, includes ‘reading sync’ to let the user read the same…

Google Opens New Berlin Office

Google's Spring Cleaning program removes AdSense for Feeds and decreases Drive storage

As part of its effort to minimize resources while also focusing on products that they feel could improve users’ lives, Google announced that it was continuing its spring cleaning program…


Facebook Messenger is killing BBM, which RIM has to ignore for the sake of BlackBerry 10

Research In Motion (RIM) is scared of Facebook Messenger. I’ve seen the fear first hand when I worked at the company last year. Thankfully though, the Canadian firm appears to…

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The FCC Will Revisit Spectrum Rules

Today the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) agreed to review its regulatory policies regarding how much spectrum any single wireless carrier can own. Known as the ‘spectrum screen,’ current rules potentially limit…

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Windows 8's Paint Push

Hey, it’s Friday. Here’s whats up: Microsoft, perhaps looking for a bit of spice in its advertising curry, intends to hire graffiti artists to create digital ads for its forthcoming Windows 8…


Stripe Partners With Chilling Effects

Following the lead of Google, Twitter and GitHub, US-based payments startup Stripe has just announced a partnership with Chilling Effects to report the “take-down” requests that it receives from third parties. Stripe says that it is…

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Google Details Steps to Add Maps to iOS Home Screen

Apple CEO Tim Cook called Google out as an alternative to those dissatisfied with Apple’s Maps app earlier this morning. Now, Google has taken the opportunity to outline the steps…


Foursquare Partners With OpenTable for Reservations

Foursquare announced an interesting partnership today with OpenTable. Tap on any place in the Foursqare app’s Explore map that’s an OpenTable partner and you’ll be able to make reservations right…

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MyPrice's iOS App Helps Freelancers Define Their Rate

As rolled out its service in Mexico today, we decided to take a look at a Mexican app that hopes to serve freelancers all around the world. Known as…

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Developers Can Use iPhone 5's Low Light Boost Mode

Yesterday, John Gruber’s Daring Fireball called out Consumer Reports for what ge saw to be wildly inaccurate ratings of the iPhone 5′s low-light capabilities. They found the camera to be not much…


Empty Black: This HTML 5 Retro 2D Shooter Is Hard To Put Down

We’ve seen quite a lot of growth, potential and hype surrounding HTML 5, which also tends to take most of the credit for CSS 3, JavaScript and WebGL. Some game…

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FCC to Auction Spectrum

Today the FCC unanimously agreed to a preliminary plan to move spectrum from television companies to wireless providers. The reason for the shift is a bid to boost total bandwidth…

freelancer via pond5 Rolls out in Mexico as’s job marketplace has launched in Mexico as, FayerWayer reports. The Australian company had already released a Spanish language version last July, which it rolled out in Argentina and…