Borderlands 2 - Gun Show

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  • Sep 28, 2012
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Chris Watters and Aaron Sampson take on the towering mountain of guns in Borderlands 2.


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I_am_Epicus 34 pts

Have you ever had a badass psyco in this game throw a midget at you? It happend to me, and apparently the midgets are made of steel or something cause it put me in last stand faster than I could say wtf.

Orgil220 29 pts

@I_am_Epicus Haha this game never cease to amaze me

boixwunder 39 pts

I do not really have a manufacturer preference. Currently my sniper is a Jakobs, assult rifle is a Tediore, smg is Maliwan, and my pistol is Dahl. I do not discriminate.

stan_boyd 751 pts

I'm a Maliwan fanboy, nothing funner than setting a bandit on fire or melting a robot with a corrosive shotgun

InfestedHunter 41 pts

That was pretty good. Next can you show us which awesome guns drop off which bosses?

phantom3165 17 pts

personally I thought there was less assortment of weapons in this game then the first....I still have the same sniper rifle I had at level 6 and I'm now at level 14 and every store I go to just doesn't have any weapons that are better.

Fandango_Letho 219 pts

 phantom3165 you're just not lucky.

MN121MN 28 pts

Actually thought he was going to say Hyperion in the first part...

DOW161 105 pts

Nice talking guns, great show.

Aria1368 185 pts

so much slow texture loading ... 

Neo_OnionKnight 27 pts

Jacob guns! They're awesome! Imagine one shotting an angry goliath and everyone on your team is like: "Oooohhh yeeeaaahhh!" Then reloading very very very slowly whilst a giant psycho plays you like drum. Wub wub wub...splat! Jacob guns! Bringer of stylish deaths every since I first laid my hands on one.... 

norman69 34 pts



That was my reaction the first time I encountered a Loot Midget. :p

moc5 223 pts

We're all stars now in he gun show...

Dinostrich 10 pts

I got a pistol that lied to me about how much damage and ammo was in the magazine.  It told me the damage was over 4,000 and the magazine was about 1,000 rounds.  When I told my friend the states he began freaking out and begging me for 2 days to trade.  So I did, for a nice rocket launcher and sniper; and right now he's not so happy with the trade lol.

tightwad34 390 pts


 I remember in the Alien spaceship DLC for Fallout 3 I found an Alien weapon that said it did crazy damage, turns out that was not true. My friend had the same thing happen to him in his game. I can't remember what the gun was called.

ravenkiller 9 pts

the best gun in the entire game is the orange lvl 50 social conference call shotgun pair it up with the bee shield and you can take terramorphous down in 3 mins solo I know because I do it all the time 

elthandiel 7 pts

"It's, like, Gilbert Godfreid's family reunion and they're all learning duck calls."

I'm gonna say that's the best thing I've heard all week!  That was funny.

Also the fungicide thing in the beginning drew a chuckle as well.

Johny_47 178 pts

Cool video except the cheesy intro. I love that gun at about 3:32 that's just mad hahaha =P


I'd use that gun all the time.

Raditz5 13 pts

 Johny_47 Oh nice because of your reply I am coming back to watch the video. About 10 seconds into that horrible intro song I turned it off thinking that's all the video was.

WCK619 394 pts

 Raditz5  Johny_47 That into song is hilarious though. "this one shoots acid, and this one shoots grape juice, and I don't know one from space!"

ozalme 20 pts

 Raditz5  Johny_47 You guys do realize that the song in the beginning is pretty much a reference to the Animaniacs "nations of the world" skit.

WCK619 394 pts

 ozalme Well I knew it was a parody of something. I certainly remember the tune and rhythm, but didn't know where from.

sloakz 14 pts


frej 5 pts

right on!! excellent and very useful! thx.

WCK619 394 pts

I've watched this video fully about 5 or 6 times now. that's not counting the times I watched just parts of it. This is excellent work, Watters. Hilarious, witty, informative, and beautifully put together. You deserve a raise for this alone.

emptyplatitudes 5 pts

so far, coolest gun i've found is a dahl (burst fire when scoped) sniper rifle with e-tech.  2 ammo per shot, multiple shots per pull, so it chews through the sniper ammo in no time, but damn the triple lightning bolts that come out of it make me feel like zeus.

IcarusSilverkin 42 pts

Personally i'm a bit of both, i love warcraft but i also love my consoles where i spend hours playing pokemon. Hence the reason why i have no life.

phantom_blade66 13 pts

Vladof are my all time favorite along with Maliwan

leviathanwing 185 pts

 garcia_jx i too enjoy spending 3 times more time reloading instead of shooting...

Sideshow_me 141 pts

the screamer gun slows you down to almost a standstill and isnt as good against the tougher enemies.. the talking sniper however is awesome bit slow on the fire rate but a single hit is enough, even against the toughest guys.. havent had the pleasure of the talking shotgun though or maybe ive sold it without knowing

leviathanwing 185 pts

 Sideshow_me maybe you turned him into a shield... ewww.

buccomatic 1227 pts

"gilbert godfrieds family reunion and they're all learning duck calls" lol!

noctislucis21 38 pts

Borderland 2 does have cool weapons.

hm nice song. O.O


borderlands logic(or scambag weapon if you prefer)


-fires as fast as you can pull the trigger

-consumes 3 ammo per shot

-only has a 3 ammo clip


yeah, some weapons are pretty pointless

WCK619 394 pts

 PETERAKO The weapon isn't pointless, just that quick fire rate is pointless. The Jakobs guns that consume all ammo in one shot usually pack a very devastating punch. Can be even more powerful than a rocket launcher.


 WCK619  PETERAKO   they could just make it to have only 1 ammo per clip and consume 1 ammo per shot. i know there is no difference, but it also doesn't make any sense.

emptyplatitudes 5 pts

 PETERAKO  WCK619 you would not run out of ammo so quickly, then.  usually the weapons that consume multiple ammo per shot have a proportional boost in strength.

bsnimunf 9 pts

 PETERAKO its worse to have a four ammo clip with a 3 ammo shot. You have to manualy reload after every shot

husam_vc 7 pts

Nice guns but I notice the magazines is too small, the player reloaded a lot.

leviathanwing 185 pts

 husam_vc if you paid attention youd know that bandit makes the large magazines... you do have the game dont you?

FellowSirRaptor 5 pts

Brilliant episode. Love the your song at the start. Jakobs revolvers are easily my favourite guns for my assassin.

leviathanwing 185 pts

 ozziekun i dont hes horrible compared to my other shotties.

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