Yamato Yamada’s family is famous for their physical strength, but Yamato doesn’t want to follow in his four brothers’ footsteps—all he wants to do is draw manga and win the Tezuka Award! Life for Yamato takes an unexpected turn, however, when his right hand becomes even stronger than usual… Does Yamato actually have godlike powers?! 

The Story So Far...
Yamato faces off against Jin, a smooth-talking guy who has the kamiwaza power to suck up energy from people through their blood. After an intense fight that leaves a hospital floor destroyed, Yamato finishes Jin off with one massive uppercut that sends Jin’s head up through the hospital ceiling. Meanwhile, Kikuchi is convinced that Yamato will join him in hunting down modern-day yaoyorozunokami gods—those who have special kamiwaza powers—even though Yamato refuses…