
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 78 Ratings

  • Summary: Spec Ops: The Line is a provocative third-person modern military shooter that challenges players' morality by putting them in the middle of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human life must be made. Spec Ops: The Line unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. Once the playground for the world's wealthiest elite, Dubai has fallen victim to a series of cataclysmic sandstorms. The city's ultramodern architecture lies half-buried under millions of tons of sand. The very sand that blankets the city plays a marquee role in altering combat situations and serves as a powerful but unpredictable force that will both help and hinder players throughout the course of the game. While most people have fled the now-barren wasteland before the sandstorms swept through, U.S. Army Colonel John Konrad and his loyal squad remained behind to protect those incapable of escape. Unable to reach anyone in Dubai after the storm hit, the U.S. Army feared Konrad and his team dead until they picked up a weak distress signal and launched a rescue operation. As U.S. Army Captain Martin Walker, you and your elite Delta Force team are sent to infiltrate the treacherous region to bring Konrad home. Players experience “"The Line," that razor's edge known only to men who deal in war. It is the line they cross when death and duty become one and the same. It is the end -- of self and sanity -- when their duty is done and only they remain. [2K Games] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Jun 27, 2012
    The Line rivals thatgamecompany's Journey in terms of overall impact, serving as a brave step forward for developers who want to help us get more from games than just gunplay. If you're tired of the same old firefight, you really ought to play it.
  2. Jun 27, 2012
    It's a campaign that merits multiple playthroughs, and a story as strong and daring as those of Bioshock, Shadow of the Colossus and Dead Space 2. Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that it achieves this in spite of mechanics that are noticeably dated and bereft of innovation. For that reason, the game is best taken as a whole, and not as something that can be played simply on the strength of its mechanical composition.
  3. Where Spec Ops succeeds – just – is with its themes of the end justifying the means, the ravages of war on a man's psyche and its portrayal of extreme violence. This is simultaneously its downfall as the team haven't quite nailed the execution until the final moments, where the full extent of what's happened over the last eight or so hours dawns on the protagonists. We wish Yager had teased and fleshed out the concepts sooner than leaving it to the beguiling endings; we doubt many players will bother reaching the credits. A year and half ago we might have been more impressed with The Line, but its poor presentation and boring shootouts completely let it down. [August 2012, p70]

See all 26 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 3 out of 26
  1. 10
    What an excellent game. Not because of gameplay and graphics, even though both were reasonably good. It's the setting and the story that had such a great impact on me. The moral choices seemed much graver and darker than in, say, Mass Effect 3 and, honestly, I'm still in awe because of the climax. Dark, confusing, but absolutely fantastic. Expand
  2. Without spoiling anything for the Singleplayer campaign the storyline is worthy of a book. I loved it from the first second to the very last. There are not many bugs in this game either the biggest is slow loading textures but that's alright since for the most part this game is a graphical beauty. For the multiplayer side of things it would have had alot more potential if they expanded it to more than just 8 players in total. The maps are way to big and with the cover system players will camp thus making it seem like a ghost town at times. Unfortunately the same could be said about the gamemodes as there is really nothing special offered here and the objective modes just don't work because of the lack of players. However there is surprisingly alot of things you can unlock to keep you coming back for more. I absolutely love the character customization, armor system, perk system, gun play, huge amount of weapons and the environmental aspects to the online play. Great game by 2k and I hope they produce a sequel. Expand
  3. I do not understand high score at all. It's linear, standard, and pretty boring shooter. Even old Soldier of Fortune was better story-wise, so where's the catch? Expand

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