• Publisher: SCEA
  • Release Date: Jul 24, 2012
Malicious Image

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 9 Ratings

  • Summary: Malicious is an original action game for the PS3. You are a "Spirit Vessel" called into the world by the Prophets to vanquish evil. Armed with the "Mantle of Cinders," a cloak that can absorb power from destroyed objects as well as shift form, you wage battle with the Malicious. [Playstation EU]
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. May 8, 2012
    Malicious is by no means perfect, but it is one of the most entertaining downloadable PS3 games I've played in a while.
  2. Mar 21, 2012
    It's an attractive game, too, its painterly art style and creative enemy design sullied only by the occasional drop in performance and that persistently unhelpful camera. If wrestling with the right analogue stick is no one's idea of a good time, such frustrations are worth enduring for a daring and sometimes exhilarating boss rush.
  3. Mar 29, 2012
    Malicious is a fresh, hardcore arena action game, packed with some very inspired graphics and sounds. There are only six stages, but they can be very hard to beat, both for the hundreds of enemies you'll find in there and the awful camera.

See all 9 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 3
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 3
  3. Negative: 0 out of 3
  1. Malicious is a game where there is a cliche story yet great graphics and gameplay, Not many people know of this game, the only problem's in the game are the cliche story and camera. The camera may get frustrating at times, the camera is what really holds the game back, sound wise is great, a really good soundtrack. For only $9.99 id say its worth getting, it also has a high difficulty level so you might get mad. The battle can also take time up to 30 minutes. Check this game out Expand
  2. Malicious is one of those rare games that seem to appear with little fanfare or publicity. And in this case the game turns out too be surprisingly good. It is an arena based boss battles game of which i cannot offhand think of another title like this although the boss fights are as challenging as those in dark souls and its predecessor demon souls. The graphics and artwork stlye of Malicious are great and look very similar to the graphics of El shaddai ascension of the metraton so much that im almost sure that some of the art team must have worked on both games. As far as ive played there are five areas with five bosses and a central hub from were you can choose your own route,path thru the areas if you follow the path that is revealed by reading the back story you will have a slightly easier time but not much. You will still face a challenge whichever route you chose. The bosses and enemies are well designed and look good the game runs fast and smooth even with a few hundred small enemies and a mammoth boss onscreen. The only downside is that the controls take a while to get used to as the auto-lock on camera is difficult to use at first but once you learn that you go with the flow of the camera and don't try to fight it by turning it another way. You will be running and flying around in no time locking onto multiple enemies with homing aura blasts, punching enemies to smithereens with a massive pair of magical fists and spearing enemies with a magical lance. All the while building up the amount of aura you have ready to release it and boost your powers while you attack the boss. Rinse and repeat this process a few times after finding the bosses weak points to complete the arenas. there are rankings for how many enemies you killed time to complete the arena and so on there are on-line leader-boards that unlock after you complete the game once. A further challenge is that on normal you only get 3 continues to complete the full game. The game auto-saves each time you complete an arena so you can turn off and continue the same game later. Overall worth every penny of the entry price as Malicious could have been made into a full retail release for A store game it is very high quality. Recommended if you like something a little different in youre games. Expand
  3. Although this game has its shortcomings, I consider it a good buy for the price. Malicious is what I would call a hidden diamond in the rough, as it is a fairly good game which had the potential to be something greater, by an widely unknown developer and will probably not gain much attention. If I had to compare it to other games, I would say it is like Mega Man, Dynasty Warriors and Shadow of the Colossus combined. The pros: Nice action, bosses, and environments, good challenge. Amazing art. The cons: Short, sometimes wonky camera, not all weapons are equally useful. The way the game is set up, you head into an arena that has a boss and mobs of enemies. The goal is to beat the mobs to power yourself up enough to beat the boss. After beating said boss, you gain a power or weapon corresponding to the boss. This is why the game is usually compared to mega man, as the weapon system is similar. As for the specifics of combats, I won't go into it much, but essentially you have light attacks, heavy attacks, a lock on button, and a block/dodge. Lights and heavies, depending on the weapon, can be mixed up to produce different combos, each with their own usefulness. As you beat enemies, you gain aura, which you use to either heal damage or increase your damage temporarily. Unfortunately, using the lock on can land you in a lot of trouble as it isn't the most accurate in realizing who you want to lock on to, nor does it handle keeping track of enemies well. The latter is more so a fault of the camera which is not that great. That said, these problems can be mostly avoided by simply manually aiming your attacks and forgoing lock ons. The art of the game is really what caught my eye and subsequently made me look up information about the developers, as it it not your normal looking game. If I was more art-savvy, I would try to describe it to you all, but unfortunately I lack the terms. All I can say is watch a video of the game on HD and multiply it by 3. All in all, it's not a perfect game, but it is a pretty good psn game that is easily worth the $9.99. However, don't go in expecting it to be a flawless ride. Expand