Scenes of a Crime Image

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  • Summary: What might lead an innocent man to confess to something he didn’t do? When Adrian Thomas walked into the Troy, New York police station and waived his Miranda rights, he didn’t know he was being video-recorded. His four-month-old baby lay brain-dead in a pediatric ICU. The doctors believed it was “shaken baby” abuse, and Adrian Thomas became the main suspect. And so began a psychological battle: the detectives repeatedly lied to – and manipulated – their suspect. And they reassured Adrian Thomas that if he told them what happened, the police would view it as an accident, without jail time. For the next several hours, the detectives used an array of powerful psychological techniques to ramp up the pressure and eventually extracted a confession. (Submarine Entertainment) Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Reviewed by: Kenneth Turan
    Apr 13, 2012
    A cool documentary that makes the blood boil, it examines how people can be psychologically manipulated into confessing. Not only to crimes they may not have committed but, even worse, to crimes that may never have happened.
  2. Reviewed by: Nick Schager
    Mar 28, 2012
    A true-crime documentary of invigorating analytical clarity and evenhandedness.
  3. Reviewed by: Eric Hynes
    Mar 27, 2012
    This impassioned documentary could have the same real-world impact as Errol Morris's "The Thin Blue Line," and help to free a wrongly convicted man. The filmmaking could be better, but it's hard to argue with that kind of potential.

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