
Mixed or average reviews - based on 33 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 64 Ratings

  • Summary: Take control of Spider-Man’s powers with Manhattan as your playground. Set briefly after the events of the new film, The Amazing Spider-Man injects New York City's brand new hero back into free-roaming, web-slinging action, as he protects the Big Apple from a deluge of significant threats. Players use real-time navigational and combat choices to fight crime and execute Spidey’s signature acrobatic moves in ways never seen previously. Discover the rest of Peter Parker’s untold story in the all-new epilogue story to Columbia Pictures' 2012 theatrical release. Battle all-new versions of classic Super Villains as well as original, larger than life enemies while racing to save Manhattan. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 13 out of 33
  2. Negative: 0 out of 33
  1. Jul 10, 2012
    A movie tie-in game better than the film it's based on.
  2. Jul 2, 2012
    If you are a fan of Spider-Man, the game is worth picking up, but if you aren't, you might want to wait until the price drops. If you are planning on picking this game up, see the movie before purchasing it so you can avoid the spoilers. You have been warned.
  3. Jul 2, 2012
    Lacks some of the polish and refinement that would make it a really solid, even addicting title. We spend too much time indoors..., the story is a little lame, and the difficulty is scaled back a little too much. But it's easy to pick up and play, exploring the city never gets boring, and fans of the web-slinging hero can spend a lot of time battling, upgrading, and just soaring along.

See all 33 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 13
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 13
  3. Negative: 2 out of 13
  1. I've been a gamer and a Spidey fan for years. Best Spidey game ever made. Spider-Man 2 had a great swinging mechanic,but the rest of the gameplay was just ok. The swinging mechanic in this game is simplified,but the gameplay is awesome. This is the first game that made me feel like I was Spider-Man. I can understand why Beenox made the webswinging so simplistic. If you are Spider-Man, webswinging should be as easy as walking. I can't begin to tell you how many times I fell to the ground while playing Spider-Man 2 because I missed a building. It takes you out of the moment. To maintain the illusion that you are webswinging,don't shoot your webs until you're by a building. I spend a lot of time free falling and webzipping until I get close to a building. This is the first Spidey game I played where the in game camera wasn't an issue. The other games gave me a headache. The combat is the best that it's ever been,Spidey's animations are fluid and the detail in his costume is impressive. If you are a Spidey fan,like me, the game is loaded with Spidey fan service to keep you coming back for more. SPIDEY FANS REJOICE!!!! Expand
  2. The Amazing Spider-Man is the most fun I have had with a video game in a while. Why? Because you're Spider-Man! Developer Beenox has created an open world New York City where you can roam around as Spider-Man and do random side missions all while doing the main story too. The main storyline takes place after the movie and contains many spoilers and even though it seemed a little far-fetched, the boss battles were epic. Giant robots chasing Spider-man as you have to doge each attack and find the weak points. The action is greatly influenced by that of Arkham City which is a great thing! There are many costumes to collect for Spider-Man and it is even just fun to swing around NYC. Another great aspect of this game is that there are 700+ collectibles which will continuously keep you playing for more. There were only two MAJOR flaws i felt about this game. Sometimes, the character animations for the mouth didn't match with the voices and the story was a bit too short (even though it was VERY fun). If you are looking for a game which will be a blast to play and will probably have DLC coming soon and lots of collectables, then this is the game for you. Expand
  3. I cannot believe the high scores for this travesty of a Spiderman Game. Throughout the years Spiderman has revolutionized the sandbox experience and created an environment that required skill and strategy to navigate through. You would have to be a pretty soft gamer to think this was a great gaming experience. IT felt like handholding was taking place throughout the entire game. Swinging from non existent buildings, freezing time to make even noobs bored, and the graphics were put solely into Spidey's suit and ignored all other aspects of rendering. Please take this review into consideration when deciding whether or not to purchase this game. Hear the full review on the podcast; Expand

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