
Generally favorable reviews - based on 39 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 80 Ratings

  • Summary: Behold New York Zero. Prototype 2 extends the experience of becoming the ultimate shape-shifting weapon. A vicious viral outbreak has killed Sgt James Heller’s family and transformed him into a PROTOTYPE. Powered by revolutionary shapeshifting powers, you must hunt, kill and consume your way across the ravaged wasteland of New York Zero to take revenge on the man responsible: Alex Mercer. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 30 out of 39
  2. Negative: 0 out of 39
  1. Apr 24, 2012
    Prototype 2 is a sequel that far surpasses its predecessor with an interesting character, good storytelling, and a lot of gratuitous violence.
  2. May 17, 2012
    Prototype 2 is one of those games that makes you feel like the ultimate badass. Radical Entertainment knows how to do destruction in a great way. They might not know how to tell a good story, but they sure know how to make an extremely entertaining experience.
  3. May 4, 2012
    While an improvement over the original, Prototype 2 still has significant flaws. Despite that, it's a fun game in spurts and worth looking into if you like sandbox action games or enjoyed the original.

See all 39 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 24
  2. Negative: 0 out of 24
  1. Prototype 2 is a masterpiece of open world destruction! Like killing hordes of zombies? of course you do! The game looks and sounds amazing. I love how many ways there are to kick serious ass! You can be sneaky stealthy ninja type or just a complete beast and charge the obstacles head on. Operate tanks, fly choppers, use tons of weapons or become the weapon. If you like open-world games, if you want to have god-like powers pick this game up now! Getting a new copy gets you Rad-net which opens up a bunch of mini games that are good-times when hanging out with a bunch of peeps. I liked being Alex Mercer, but Heller is even more bad-ass! Two thumbs up, 10 out of 10! Expand
  2. This was a fun game to play. Pretty much if you enjoyed the first game you'll probably enjoy this one too. I thought the game was a bit on the easy side and it does get kind of repetitive towards the end. In my opinion, it's not really much of a step up from the first one, it's more on the same level than anything else. It's at least worth checking out. I don't regret playing it but I don't know if I'll ever play it again. Expand
  3. ok so this game is fun but if you have played the first game then you are not going to see anything new in the way of gameplay. there is absolutly nothing wrong with this at all and im glad that they kept the gameplay the same because it is just pure fun. i find the story fell far from my expectations especially with all the hype surrounding this game about an in depth story. Heller is just an angry person who spits out swears for no aparent reason most of the time and yes he may have lost his family but when the whole story is built on Heller trying to get revenge it just turns into a forgettable action game. another thing that gets to me is (unless it was explained in the 1st game and i just forgot about it) why did Alex Mercer become a villian at no point in this game did it explain why he is the bad guy and it seems like they didnt want to make a new villain so they just made it Alex. another gripe of mine is the length of the story. i finished the game in one sitting of about 6 hours and after all is said and done there is not much re-playability in this game other than searching the city for hidden stuff or doing the missions in the new web of intrigue but those did not interest me because i personally dont like spending too much of my time trying to find collectables. now dont get me wrong i still enjoyed the game very much i just did not like the short cliche action story. the 2 games should be experianced but dont waste your money on it just rent the games and send them back Expand

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