
Generally favorable reviews - based on 36 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 207 Ratings

  • Summary: Awakened by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen, embarks upon a journey to restore mankind and redeem his brother’s name. Along the way, the Horseman discovers that there are far worse things than Apocalypse on earth and that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation. Become the terrifying force which everyone fears but nothing can escape. Death Lives in Darksiders II. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 36
  2. Negative: 0 out of 36
  1. Aug 14, 2012
    Another powerhouse from Vigil Games, Darksiders II is a must have.
  2. Aug 15, 2012
    War is obviously outclassed by big brother Death. The agility of Death makes the combat feel more fluid and makes the platforming more fun. The addition of several RPG elements is a step forward in the franchise and the length, of at least twenty hours (forty if you want to get all collectibles and do all the side missions), will make sure you'll be spending a long time in the world of Darksiders 2.
  3. Aug 15, 2012
    It's not original, and its often unfocused, but the willingness to always offer just one more piece of loot and one more giant boss battle makes Darksiders II a hard game not to enjoy.

See all 36 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 42
  2. Negative: 7 out of 42
  1. Well. First, I'd like to say that I comprehend the matter about the low user score for Darksiders 2. Vigil Games took a dangerous leap from Darksiders to Darksiders 2. The people who liked the first game may have not liked the second one because there's a huge difference between them. The first is basically an God of War copy-paste, with a different story ad characters. Although still great, it was a generic game, IMO. Otherwise, Darksiders 2 has a WHOLE new setting, and is much more original. It took a step into the RPG, becoming an awesome adventure-action-RPG game. All the new mechanics were well implemented, somehow fitting perfectly the purpose of the game. Speaking of characters, Death is way more cool than War. War had boring speech and voice, being only a bulky guy beating the crap out of those who crossed his way. Death in the other hand is more saracstic, smart and was amazingly voiced. Death have a different approach, being more fast and elusive, whilst War is heavy and deliver heavy blows. The RPG elements are not deep as in other games, but offer a bit o customization for those who like it. You can swap between slow, high damage weapons and fast weapons with different stats and effects, as well as body armor. The armor changes as you equip, giving a bit of aesthetic customization too. Vigil Games expanded greatly the world in Darksiders 2. It's considered 2, maybe 3 times bigger than the first game's world. IT offers quite a bit of exploration (again, for those who like it). Side quests were also added. They tell the lore of the game and serve also to give you powerful unique weapons as you progress, as well as XP and money. The currency of the game isn't souls anymore, what should be expected from Death. Instead, you collect coins, money that you use to buy weapons, armor or trinkets. Be advised that Darksiders 2 doesn't have good graphics, just like the first game. But the art design... I have no words to speak how beautiful and appealing everything is. The enemy models are creative, the landscapes and buildings are breathtaking and Death itself is pure badassery. The skinny appearance and the mask suited him well. Beside those differences, the combat is pretty much the same, despite the fact it depends on your stats. I've played more than 10 hours and I have experienced no bugs nor glitches that'd take the fun away. Framerate issues weren't noted so far, what's good, considering what I went through in the first game. Darksiders 2 is an epic experience, greatly improved over the first game, IMO. Vigil Games took its chances, and I think they hit the right spot. Dakrsiders was a good game, but it needed its own identity. Now Darksiders 2 have its own face. I dare to say it is the best game of 2012 so far, and the greatest surprise. Don't let haters make you give up on this game. You'll lose one good experience. Expand
  2. 10
    I will not say anything more for my friend but it is impressive and a great Exceeded his expectations a significant improvement from Game of Death The first is poking cold arrogant and a lot more active than the war which was like a tank, such as credit steadfast person increase over the death of muscle on the other hand depends on the Shuffle comes next in the battle of killing is wonderful, and focus on the skill tree RPG and customization is also a personal story line, and the epic feel immersed in it. To record the music in the game is the best place I heard alive in the game is a big compliment from the madness of Joe is not a must buy game for all lovers of adventure has Expand
  3. Yesterday I returned it to the shop the PS3 version because I don't like it: have a real bad frame rate and it have given some freezes on my console.

See all 42 User Reviews