Resumé Database Search

The Gamasutra Resume Database is ideal for proactive recruiting of developer talent across all disciplines, experience levels and platforms - including AAA, Indie, Social, Smartphone, Console/PC, Online, and Serious.Join the Game Network resume experience chart

  • 24,000+ resumes on file
  • From developers in 100+ countries
  • 700+ new resumes added monthly*
  • All resumes are less than 18 months old

Gamasutra's Resume Database is a pure resource
for recognized studios and publishers of all sizes
(no recruitment agencies allowed**).

*Averages based on new and modified resumes from
Jan 01, 2011, through June 30, 2011
** Unless the agency is acting as the HR Department for
a specific studio


JTGN top 20 resume holders

Studios and publishers around the world incorporate Gamasutra's Resume Database into their recruitment campaigns:

38 Studios
2k Games
Guerrilla Games

Lucas Arts
Silicon Knights
Sprung Monkey


Join the Game Network resume discipline chart

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Rates per Month for Database Access

1-2 months $2,100 per month
3-5 months $1,785 per month....... a 15% savings
6-9 months $1,575 per month....... a 22% savings
10-11 months $1,470 per month....... a 30% savings
12 months $1,300 per month....... a 38% savings

Additional discounts available when purchased in conjunction with other recruitment opportunities such as Job Posting Credits, Premier Employer Status, Sectional Site Skins, Sectional Sponsorships, Sponsored Features, Game Developer Magazine placements, and others.

To order access or to discuss your recruitment needs and strategy across all mediums, please contact Gina Gross, 415-947-6241.

For more information, fill out a Request for Proposal Form.