By Series

All Salem Titles: Click the link to the left for a listing of all titles in print from Salem Press.


All History Series: Click for a listing of all history series from Salem Press.
Great Lives from History: A multi-volume series detailing the biographies of important people throughout history, worldwide.
Great Events from History: A multi-volume series detailing the most important events throughout history, worldwide.
The Decades in America: Comprehensive history of the United States and Canada in the twentieth century, divided into decades by sets.
Milestone Documents: The Milestone Documents series includes the most important original source material in U.S. history.

All Literature Series: Click for all a listing of all literature series from Salem Press.
Critical Insights: Salem's new Critical Insights series distills the best of both classic and current literary criticism of the world's most-studied literature.
Masterplots & Masterplots II: More than 12,000 reference articles focusing on plot summaries, critical commentary, character profiles, literary settings and biographical profiles of world famous novels, plays, poems and works of nonfiction.
Critical Surveys of Literature: Series offers in-depth, analytical reference guides covering the major writers of world literature.
Literary Cyclopedias: Provides critical descriptions of characters and places used in literary works as well as offering biographical information of important writers.
Magill's Literary Annual: Evaluates 200 major examples of serious literature published during the previous calendar year. Covers works of interest to general readers.

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