
As you use Stack Overflow to ask and answer questions, you’ll earn badges, which appear on your user page and in your user card.

 Altruist × 1959 First bounty you manually awarded on another person's question
 Analytical × 26701 Visited every section of the FAQ
 Announcer × 9752 Shared a link to a question that was visited by 25 unique IP addresses
 Archaeologist × 260 Edited 100 posts that were inactive for 6 months
 Autobiographer × 73973 Completed all user profile fields
 Benefactor × 11384 First bounty you manually awarded on your own question
 Beta × 2546 Actively participated in the private beta
 Booster × 482 Shared a link to a question that was visited by 300 unique IP addresses
 Caucus × 51384 Visited an election during any phase of an active election and have enough reputation to cast a vote
 Citizen Patrol × 37007 First flagged post
 Civic Duty × 15543 Voted 300 or more times
 Cleanup × 10172 First rollback
 Commentator × 160609 Left 10 comments
 Constituent × 14301 Voted for a candidate in the final phase of an election
 Convention × 946 10 posts with score of 2 on meta
 Copy Editor × 515 Edited 500 posts
 Critic × 81173 First down vote
 Deputy × 1592 Raised 80 helpful flags
 Disciplined × 3870 Deleted own post with score of 3 or higher
 Editor × 335295 First edit
 Electorate × 2331 Voted on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions
 Enlightened × 53772 First to answer and accepted with at least 10 upvotes
 Enthusiast × 31479 Visited the site each day for 30 consecutive days
 Epic × 271 Earned 200 daily reputation 50 times
 Excavator × 19292 Edited first post that was inactive for 6 months
 Famous Question × 31166 Asked a question with 10,000 views
 Fanatic × 5842 Visited the site each day for 100 consecutive days
 Favorite Question × 5853 Question favorited by 25 users
 Generalist × 326 Provided non-wiki answers of 15 total score in 20 of top 40 tags
 Good Answer × 39001 Answer score of 25 or more
 Good Question × 16866 Question score of 25 or more
 Great Answer × 4262 Answer score of 100 or more
 Great Question × 1791 Question score of 100 or more
 Guru × 9253 Accepted answer and score of 40 or more
 Investor × 3929 First bounty you offered on another person's question
 Legendary × 85 Earned 200 daily reputation 150 times
 Marshal × 302 Raised 500 helpful flags
 Mortarboard × 11209 Earned at least 200 reputation in a single day
 Necromancer × 43817 Answered a question more than 60 days later with score of 5 or more
 Nice Answer × 191425 Answer score of 10 or more
 Nice Question × 77200 Question score of 10 or more
 Notable Question × 183351 Asked a question with 2,500 views
 Organizer × 36117 First retag
 Outspoken × 279 Posted 10 messages in chat that were starred by 10 different users
 Peer Pressure × 12510 Deleted own post with score of -3 or lower
 Popular Question × 493712 Asked a question with 1,000 views
 Populist × 1934 Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x
 Precognitive Followed the Area 51 proposal for this site before it entered the commitment phase
 Promoter × 19280 First bounty you offered on your own question
 Proofreader × 1314 Approved or rejected 100 suggested edits
 Publicist × 209 Shared a link to a question that was visited by 1000 unique IP addresses
 Pundit × 2309 Left 10 comments with score of 5 or more
 Quorum × 9963 One post with score of 2 on meta
 Research Assistant × 43 Edited 50 tag wikis
 Reversal × 113 Provided answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score
 Reviewer × 283 1000 reviews, over 200 actioned
 Revival × 46182 Answered more than 30 days later as first answer scoring 2 or more
 Scholar × 330431 Asked a question and accepted an answer
 Self-Learner × 20513 Answered your own question with score of 3 or more
 Sportsmanship × 1025 Up voted 100 answers on questions where an answer of yours has a positive score
 Stellar Question × 737 Question favorited by 100 users
 Strunk & White × 2932 Edited 80 posts
 Student × 426356 Asked first question with score of 1 or more
 Suffrage × 11206 Used 30 votes in a day
 Supporter × 254607 First up vote
 Synonymizer × 382 First approved tag synonym
 Tag Editor × 6724 First Tag Wiki Edit
 Talkative × 2101 Posted 10 messages, with 1 or more starred, in chat
 Taxonomist × 5352 Created a tag used by 50 questions
 Teacher × 295318 Answered first question with score of 1 or more
 Tenacious × 10010 Zero score accepted answers: more than 5 and 20% of total
 Tumbleweed × 174334 Asked a question with no votes, no answers, no comments, and low views for a week
 Unsung Hero × 3305 Zero score accepted answers: more than 10 and 25% of total
 Vox Populi × 4377 Used the maximum 40 votes in a day
 Yearling × 151997 Active member for a year, earning at least 200 reputation