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Christopher Conradi
GET UPDATES FROM Christopher Conradi
Christopher has a technical education (Bachelor of IT) as a foundation and a Master in Business and IT from Australia, and works as a Technical Professional in Business Analytics within IBM Software Group.

His responsibilities include Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics (SPSS) and collaboration. On the side, he tutors for university students, and is active in IBM’s focus on social media.

In February 2012 he was awarded Rookie of the Year among his peers of IBM BA Europe.

Blog Entries by Christopher Conradi

Why Wait Until Something Breaks? Let's Try Predictive Maintenance

(9) Comments | Posted August 28, 2012 | 12:02 PM

Why wait until something is broken to fix it?

That's what a growing number of companies are asking themselves these days.

Because the same technology -- analytics, sensors, mapping software -- that revolutionized everything from the global supply chain to public security in cities is starting to transform...

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