Interactive games

Welcome to the interactive games section of our site.

The games on these pages are designed to enable you to experience the kinds of dilemmas and decision making that is necessary to build a responsible and sustainable business.

We also have some fun games to help you learn more about key global issues such as climate change. These are suitable for everyone!

You can play all of these games in a Flash version. If you don't have Flash player simply download Adobe 9 Flash player.

intrigue game

Intrigue 2016

This game is suitable for everyone. You will be amazed at what you can learn about climate change while having fun playing the game with friends and family.

go wild

Go Wild!

Climate change is dramatically affecting the natural habitats of creatures throughout the world. Play our board game in seven continents as one of the creatures that lives there to see how climate change is affecting their changing world.

Better Business Choices

Better Business Choices

This game, developed with Business in the Community gives you the opportunity to build your business from scratch. Will you make the right decisions about market conditions and select the right products, suppliers, energy and other vital ingredients to make sure your business survives in the long term?

Better Business Dilemmas

Better Business Dilemmas

You are about to experience what it can be like to manage social and environmental issues in a business - are you up to the challenge?