Support for pseudo child-tickets and a visual reference to these within a parent ticket.


Some time ago I came across the problem of how to manage child tickets in a meaningful fashion, we were using coderanger's original MasterTicketsPlugin and it was great until we started to allow tickets to be viewed and created by people outside of our immediate development group. We found that people who were not familiar with our processes would simply create child tickets of the wrong 'type' and needed some help in getting it right. In addition, users found that the lack of visual information (ie. what are this tickets child tickets?) was also a hindrance.

Having child-tickets is extremely useful when it comes to managing multiple releases (ie. a single 'bug-report' ticket and a single 'bug-fix' ticket for each milestone/branch of development), for managing sub-tasks of an issue and for managing 'bug-fixes' required when developing a new (larger) enhancement.

This plugin modifies the ticket description box and adds a child ticket listing table and a 'create' button for adding new child tickets. It has the following features:

It is possible to control in trac.ini the following aspects of child-ticket creation/viewing:

  • allow/disallow child-tickets for a certain type of ticket
  • to define the table headers displayed in the parent ticket
  • to define a default for the child type to be created / restrict the type of child-tickets
  • to define which fields are inherited by child-tickets

Under Trac 0.10 I had to modify the ticket.html templates to get this working in any 'pretty' sense so I have not provided support for 0.10. As of 0.11, the ITemplateStreamFilter allows this to be incorporated nicely into a neat plugin.

In order to keep the plugin as compact and simple as possible and to allow future compatibility with different CSS schemes, I have simply 'pinched' the existing CSS classes for generating the table and its components.

NOTE: The configurability of this plugin has been ported to the Subtickets plugin. See the patches in issues 9-12 at github. -- Chris Nelson


The plugin makes use of the 'ticket-custom' field and so requires no extra db tables to be created. The following fields are required in the 'trac.ini' (see table below for a generic description of the options):

childtickets.* = enabled
childtickets.childtickets.tracchildticketsmodule = enabled

parent = text
parent.format = wiki
parent.label = Parent ID


# 'enhancements' : child tickets will typically be bug-fix tickets with the same milestone, component and keywords.
parent.enhancement.allow_child_tickets = true
parent.enhancement.restrict_child_type = bug-fix, task
parent.enhancement.table_headers = type, status, owner, summary
parent.enhancement.inherit = milestone, component, keywords

# 'bug-report' : child tickets will typically be bug-fix
parent.bug-report.allow_child_tickets = true
parent.bug-report.default_child_type = bug-fix
parent.bug-report.table_headers = type, priority, owner, summary, milestone
parent.bug-report.inherit = component, keywords

# 'issue' : child tickets will typically be task tickets with no default milestone.
parent.issue.allow_child_tickets = true
parent.issue.restrict_child_type = task
parent.issue.table_headers = type, status, owner, summary, milestone

# 'bug-fix' : child tickets are not allowed.
parent.bug-fix.allow_child_tickets = false

# 'task' : child tickets are not allowed.
parent.task.allow_child_tickets = false


parent.parent-type.allow_child_tickets Define whether child tickets are allowed or not Default: False
parent.parent-type.table_headers List of column headers for display in parent ticket Default: summary, owner
parent.parent-type.default_child_type Default child type Default: See [ticket] section of trac.ini (default_type)
parent.parent-type.restrict_child_type A list of possible child types, trying to create a child of a different 'type' will create an error. As of version 1.1.0, if this option is used, a list of submit buttons will be rendered allowing the user to decide which type of child ticket he/she wants to create. Default: None
parent.parent-type.inherit Define a list of inherited fields. Default: None
default.max_depth Limit the creation of too deep a hierarchy. Default: 5

Issues / Caveats

  • If you change the behaviour of the parent type (using for example allow_child_tickets/restrict_child_type) and tickets already have child tickets assigned to them you will not receive a warning about any possible conflicts until you try and modify any of the child tickets.
  • If a parent ticket is restricted in some way that no further child tickets can be generated for that ticket 'type', you'll continue to see a list of child tickets but the 'Create' button will be missing.
  • The 'parent.<type>.inherit' option ensures fields are inherited by child tickets, However, all child tickets (regardless of type as defined by 'restrict_child_type') will inherit these values.

Bugs/Feature Requests

Existing bugs and feature requests for ChildTicketsPlugin are here.

If you have any issues, create a new ticket.


Download the zipped source from here.


You can check out ChildTicketsPlugin from here using Subversion, or browse the source with Trac.


Some examples here.

Recent Changes

[11516] by walnut on 04/27/12 21:08:54

Release 2.5.2

- See #9972

- Link to my test repository replaced with dynamic link.

[11509] by walnut on 04/20/12 21:44:44

Release 2.5.1 - Fixes #9971 - Applied patch as supplied in ticket - Thanks guys - great to get such an easy fix

[11489] by walnut on 04/15/12 14:48:06

Release 2.5.0 (trac 0.12) - Address #9114 and add admin gui for configuring childticketsplugin.

[11112] by walnut on 01/05/12 23:36:23

#9645 - Release 1.2.0.BETA - Beta release to allow some tests to be made in a 'real' XMLRPC environment

[10750] by walnut on 10/09/11 15:04:44

see #9233 - Corrected COPYING license file.

[10749] by walnut on 10/09/11 14:57:09

#9233 - Added AUTHORS and COPYING files as way of licensing (BSD) - I hope this will be acceptable as a suitable license.


Author: walnut
Maintainer: walnut
