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Robert Steinman
Podcast Host, Reviews Editor





At RPGFan Since:
May 2010


Favorite Games/Series:
Diablo series, Final Fantasy series (until XII), Fallout series, Persona series, Metal Gear series, Bioshock, Left 4 Dead series, God of War series, Hitman series, Shadow of the Colossus, Silent Hill 2, Demon's Souls, Chrono series

Favorite Genres:
RPGs, Action/Adventure, Open-World games, Survival Horror

Other Interests:
Reading, making your life miserable, theater, acting like a gym rat
I started writing about games as a way to get the anger out of my system. I have a tendency to rant and rave and needed a way to vent those feelings before I ended up hurting someone. I love to debate and analyze games. I know that most people will consider me a troll and inherently negative, but it all stems from a deep love of video games and a desire to see the entertainment medium move forward and evolve. I pretty much play every genre, though I enjoy RPGs and action games the most.

My gaming lifestyle began when my Mom bought our family an NES. I cut my teeth on the classics, so I have very fond feelings towards Mario, Zelda, Castlevania, etc. My first real RPG experience came with the discovery of Phantasy Star IV on the Sega Channel. Following a friend's recommendation, I found my way to the Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger, and all of the other 16 bit classics. Though my early indoctrination to the genre was strictly based around JRPGs, I've come love and appreciate the western stylings as of late.

I earned my BS from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania and went on to receive my MS in physics from the University of South Carolina. I fell in love with teaching during graduate school and decided to to make it a full-time career. I began working at a boarding school in the Fall of 2010 (think Hogwart's but without magic). In my spare time I've come to enjoy reading for pleasure, helping out with our school theater group, and trying to get back in shape.

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