Added by: Pongball Date Added: 2005-07-22 File URL is URL is by: Pongball Date Added: 2005-07-22 File URL iss/ffXprelude.mid Upload Date and Time: 12/27/2004 07:47:31 Uploaded by: *@*.* (noshift) Originating IP Address: Game System: Sony Playstation 2 Game Name: Final Fantasy X Song Title: The Prelude Sequenced by: Gyana Ren Song Originally Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Other Information: ... -MIDI Header Information- MIDI Type: 1 Number of Tracks: 9 Delta Time Setting: 120 -Midi TrackName Analysis- Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude Final Fantasy X - The Prelude -Marker Analysis- Final Fantasy X SQU/\RE SOFT Sony PlayStation2 The Prelude loopStart loopEnd