World of Warcraft free-to-play not moving past level 20

World of Warcraft free-to-play not moving past level 20

Thu 23 Aug 2012 8:34pm GMT / 4:34pm EDT / 1:34pm PDT

Blizzard has no plans to update the free-to-play cap with further expansions

Blizzard Entertainment has told CVG that it will not be raising the free-to-play cap of level 20 for World of Warcraft. The game has seen a decline in subscribers down to around 9 million currently. Despite this, lead game producer John Lagrave said that the free-to-play is staying where it currently is.

"We looked at whether Level 20 would give you a good sense of what our game is, and we think it does. We've definitely slid some of the pay-for features into the first 20 Levels," said Lagrave when asked about raising the free-to-play cap.

"But there's also a lot of things in the game that are special that we want to reserve for our paying customers."

The company is releasing its new Mists of Pandaria expansion on September 15, 2012.

About the author

Mike Williams
M.H. Williams has been writing in some form or another for ten years and has been a hardcore gamer since the NES first graced American shores. You can catch him on Twitter as @AutomaticZen.


Why would they change it, they still have 9 million paid subs. Wait until they drop a further few million to around 5 or less. I'm sure they will reconsider then.

Posted:3 days ago


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