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Alex Andreou

Asking the questions others are too intelligent to ask

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David Cameron, as a seagull
By Alex Andreou - 25 July 11:35

He flies in, makes a lot of noise, dumps on everyone from a great height, and then flies out again.

Security checks at the Olympic site. Photo: Getty Images
By Alex Andreou - 16 July 14:05

After Workfare, the Olympics fiasco is another rocket fired into the side of the HMS Private Sector Efficiency.

Shirley Valentine, begone! Photo: Getty Images
By Alex Andreou - 05 July 14:41

While more than a million Britons live in the EU, Cameron's immigrant-bashing rhetoric rings hollow.

The Shard: an apt visual metaphor for the Libor scandal. Photo: Getty Images
By Alex Andreou - 02 July 18:14

What Barclays and other banks did will hurt every saver and homeowner, says Alex Andreou.

Doctors. Photograph: Getty Images
By Alex Andreou - 21 June 16:50

What difference does it make if you or I think that doctors get paid too little or too much? They had an agreement.

Supporters of SYRIZA wave flags outside a university building on election night.
By Alex Andreou - 18 June 8:45

Greek Democracy will never be the same after this turbulent month

Christine Lagarde
By Alex Andreou - 27 May 14:41

By urging Greeks to pay up without whingeing the IMF chief has revealed her deep historical and cult.

New Statesman
By Alex Andreou - 18 May 12:03

Stereotypes and untruths are everywhere, but this economic crisis is not self-inflicted.

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