PreMinder for Mac

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All User Reviews

Results 1-4 of 4

  • 4.0 stars

    "Good conventional Calendar program"

    December 16, 2010  |   By dsabou12062

    Version: PreMinder 1.1.4


    Displaying Anniversaries and Birthdays, computing the age from birthdate/anniversary date


    Would like to print multiple months at one time, say from month/year to month/year.


    I use it as a family calendar and not as a scheduler. I have yet to find another application at a reasonable price with all the features I am looking for.

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  • 5.0 stars

    "PreMinder is the best for Mac's"

    November 1, 2009  |   By urbanredtag

    Version: PreMinder 0.8.6


    Ability to edit theme colors, add any event, add visual and audio alerts, owner contacts you directly if any reports are sent.


    Absolutely nothing, as this program keeps improving.


    I've been using PreMinder on my different Mac's since they launched. It is the most attractive, user-friendly calendar that exports directly to iCal (great for back-up, but never had to use). When used with Growl, one can set alerts for important dates and appointments. I've used PreMinder from Tiger OS X 11.4.8 through Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.1. Any and all glitches/bugs (I've had only one with Snow Leopard) reported are immediately fixed by the owner, Alec Hole. One can change the theme to just about any color and view. It's not only the best calender for Mac's, but it is also free. Alec must be a humble person, as I cannot find a Donate button anywhere.

    Updated on Nov 1, 2009

    Correction: that should be Tiger OS X 10.4.11

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  • 4.0 stars

    "Better than ical"

    November 29, 2008  |   By hkim

    Version: PreMinder 0.8


    This review was originally posted on
    The GUI is much better in some ways than ical, which I never really liked. I can actually adjust the background and text colors, as well as modify the text so that certain events are easier to find and pop out better than ical.

    Because there is a sea of numbers in the main window, at first, it is a bit distracting because it is not quite in the common wall calendar format that one is so accustomed to. Perhaps if this were slightly modified to match such, it might be easier to take in events at a glance.

    Navigating inside the calendar is messy and this is the main weakness as for what I experience when I want to scroll back or forward from month to month. One can navigate using the large date tag in the upper left-hand corner but this is confusing because one is switching between working with different formats of information, which is a problem.

    The "span" tool works but it is not apparent just what it does at first glance. Perhaps there might be a better way to make this more apparent than just clicking around with it as I did.

    Importing ical events has some problems but I am sure the developer will work those out, thus I mention them in passing only.

    A better program icon could only help (for the application).

    This is a really good free-ware effort, IMHO. Well done.

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  • 4.0 stars

    "Like It A Lot!"

    June 28, 2008  |   By JD_1

    Version: PreMinder 0.6.7


    This review was originally posted on
    Really enjoying learning and using this great app. One of the easiest PIM I've used. The ability to type in your notes and have the app recognize and assign clock times automatically to events and add them to your planner/scheduler is a nice feature. Also like the slider that lets you navigate to different months or custom set events a great time saver too.

    To top off all this goodness is the built in Growl support. I can't emphasize enough how important this is. I hope more and more developers add Growl support to their apps!

    Thanks for this great app and for continuing to develop it!

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