Vuze for Mac

Publisher's Description

From Vuze: Vuze is a powerful bittorrent software application to find, download, and play HD video content on the Web. With the latest release, you get powerful new search capabilities, along with the ability to play your HD videos on PC, Mac, iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, and Tivo. The bittorrent technology enables users to quickly and easily download HD video with a single click.

by: Jason Parker on January 20, 2010

Vuze is the free, full-featured reincarnation of the popular BitTorrent client Azureus, an app for finding and watching video content that you download via torrent files.

Compared with more traditional and utilitarian BitTorrent clients, Vuze has a much richer, iTunes-style interface--with as much attention devoted to finding and viewing videos as to downloading them. You can browse the "Vuze HD Network" for videos (although you'll find a lot of lower-grade Internet fare, like promos, trailers, and podcasts), or you can look around using a friendly, easy search interface (although much of the content you'll find is copyright protected, which Vuze warns you about). The download functionality is excellent and fast, with plenty of control over even esoteric settings--and it's easy to view technical minutiae for a torrent in Vuze's big visual interface. Vuze will also help you get video into your iTunes with a beta "Devices" feature, and even onto your Apple TV, iPhone, iPod, or other devices.

For someone new to torrents, Vuze could be a great, easy introduction. If you're already familiar with using torrents and you're happy with your current client, you might not find enough here to inspire a switch.

All User Reviews

  • Current version:

    3.3 stars

    out of 3 votes

  • All versions:

    3.6 stars

    out of 122 votes

Results 1-3 of 3

  • 1.0 stars


    August 18, 2012  |   By marcharmondesign

    Version: Vuze


    I actually could have like the "intelligence" of the way the program combines and seems to automate some functionality. But poor programing means it not only has bad manners, taking control over everything that comes close to it- ie. "Make VUZE the default ----?" Takes 5 clicks to hit "No" and make it work... 10 minutes later, it asks again (after being told DON"T ASK AGAIN. Only this time, when my cursor got close to the two buttons, guess which one clicked and VUZE took control of another piece of hardware.
    I know some of this is Mac/Mountain Lion. I had JUST got everything settled down from some memory leak issues I had after the upgrade. But it some software is programed to be aggressive, taking over functions and most tellingly NO SOLUTION FOR REMOVAL I think it should be mandatory for there to be an uninstaller online or with the installer, or at least a clear, step by step directions on how to uninstall code without having to spend three days of your life trolling user forums.


    Immediately my Mac running Mountain Lion started doing odd things... Itunes launching on it's own, random web pages I had looked at days before suddenly opening in a window on my desktop... At first I thought was triggering something. Then while reading about logging into Gmail with different screen names I was suddenly logged out- and then I'm asked to reenter my password... very suspicious- and then I see first one, and later a different Avatar, "Mia" and "Tony" who have little icons on my new extra "Remote Toobar" and are listed as user 2 and 3, with me as the first. ***? Terrible documentation, but most of what I found in user forums was about not being able to delete the app- it keeps repopulating. SO many hours later, I've got a toolbar I don't want, with Vuze blog, Twitter, FaceBook, Vuze Search, Vuze Deals, and badges to go with all. I've done everything but delete Chrome completely and start over... and now have discovered it's done the same thing to Firefox.


    There's no way to talk to anyone at Vuze- you get an automatic email from their legal department if you drill down and find the ONE place you can send email to them. They NEVER offer instruction on removing the App. I trusted CNET- didn't do my full dillegence, which is my bad- but I can't believe a company who's function is to review tech wouldn't at least mention that it's strange when an app gives NO clue how to get rid of it... As a someowhat sophisticated but not professional user, I am used to sometimes having to really look to find things like that out... but CNET should do some research- for one thing, I bet they could get a response from the company.
    Waste of a Saturday!

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  • 5.0 stars

    "Great software!"

    August 16, 2012  |   By greyyyada

    Version: Vuze


    seems well written, and has all the tools


    absolutely no const

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  • 4.0 stars

    "Quite good software"

    July 28, 2012  |   By Kateblack79

    Version: Vuze


    It has the most comprehensive set of controls available of any client and its trackerless system is just AWESOME. I end up getting a lot of downloads that would have either not started or stopped partway thru without it. Gets the job done for sure.


    A bit slowly

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What's new in version

New Features:

  • UI | Added double-click -> Launch option to library options


  • Core | Exclude Vuze update torrents from IP filter rules
  • UI | Table Views now draw text in default Antialiasing (hoping that fixes some edge case bugs)

Corrected bugs:

  • UI | Fixed subscription wizard column header text
  • UI | *nix: Fix Plugins and Torrents menu not having any entries
  • UI | Fix scrolling issue after Library row gets removed while its subrows are displayed
  • UI | Ensure table row height can fit the default font size


Publisher Web Site
Release Date
July 19, 2012
Date Added
July 19, 2012


Internet Software
P2P & File-Sharing Software

System Requirements

Operating Systems
Mac OS X 10.8, Mac OS X 10.4 Intel, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.5 PPC, Mac OS X 10.5 Intel, Mac OS X 10.6
Additional Requirements
Not available

Download Information

File Size
File Name


Total Downloads
Downloads Last Week


License Model
Not available
Not available

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Vuze for Mac