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Finalist Sennheiser PC 360 G4ME

After ruling the headphone world for many years, Sennheiser got serious about the gaming headset world this year with the release of the mid-priced PC 360 G4ME, designed for PC and Mac gaming but compatible with the Xbox 360 via adapter.

Price: £130 | Sennheiser

The Sennheiser PC 360 G4ME headset delivers phenomenal sound quality, with deep, rich bass, clearly defined mid-range and sweet treble – but we wouldn’t expect anything less from a company as experienced as Sennheiser.

What does surprise a little more is the sheer comfort of these open-backed headphones, whose velvety earcups can be worn for hours on end. Something the most devoted of World of Warcraft players will welcome.

Sennheiser has announced its presence in the gaming market with a very classy set of mid-range cans.

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