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Laptops and netbooks rated

In-depth reviews from TechRadar's team of experts. To find out how we review products and calculate our scores, check out our reviews guarantee.

2 products

    1. Philips 15NB5800 review

      Philips 15NB5800 review

      7 Last reviewed

      Philips laptops are sold exclusively in this country through PC World stores.This means you can go in-store and check the usability of the Philips 15NB5800 before you commit to buy but it also means you won't be able to shop around for a better price elsewhere.

      Philips X200 (TM) review

      Philips X200 (TM) review

      8 Last reviewed

      The Philips X200 (£850 inc. VAT) shares the same chassis design as the Holbe Dialogue Flybook VM. However, while this machine is half the price of the VM, it doesn't share the same build quality

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