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Laptops and netbooks rated

In-depth reviews from TechRadar's team of experts. To find out how we review products and calculate our scores, check out our reviews guarantee.

4 products

    1. Gigabyte T1028 review

      Gigabyte T1028 review

      5 Last reviewed

      Is Gigabyte's touchscreen netbook too feature-packed for its own good?

      Gigabyte M1022 review

      Gigabyte M1022 review

      6 Last reviewed

      Gigabyte introduces the booktop, just to confuse us further

      Gigabyte W565 review

      Gigabyte W565 review

      7 Last reviewed

      Gigabyte doesn’t officially release its laptops in this country but it has teamed up with distributor Expansys to make the Gigabyte W565 (£389 inc. VAT) available. This entry-level machine has a rather plain and basic chassis design that is made of tough plastic. The grey and black finish is rather business-like and, aside from the power button, the only ornamentation is a Wi-Fi on/off switch.

      Gigabyte U60 review

      Gigabyte U60 review

      5 Last reviewed

      Feel sorry for the UMPC. It doesn’t get much love. When they’re good, most people find them merely okay. But when they’re trouble, like the U60, you’ll have such a torturous experience it should be against the Geneva Convention.

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