T-Mobile Tablets

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7 ReviewedT-Mobile SpringBoard

T-Mobile SpringBoard

8 ReviewedSamsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 T-Mobile

Samsung GALAXY Tab 10.1 T-Mobile

7 ReviewedSamsung GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus

Samsung GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus

8 ReviewedHTC Flyer

HTC Flyer

8 ReviewedT-Mobile G-Slate

T-Mobile G-Slate


This is an up-to-date list of all new T-Mobile tablets that are currently available. 

T-Mobile USA is the fourth largest phone carrier in the States and operates a GSM 3G/HSPA 4G network. As of 2011, it has over 33 million subscribers. T-Mobile USA is owned by Deutsche Telekom, the largest telecommunications company in Europe.

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