Posted on 29th May 2012 at 9:35 AM UTC

Resistance: Burning Skies Review: Touchscreen, not twin sticks, shine in Vita's first FPS

Sony proves that shooters work on Vita...

After three Resistance games on PS3 you might think you've seen every conceivable way of mortally juicing the six-eyed mutant swarm that is the Chimera. You've minced them with exploding magnum shells, dissolved them with erupting hedgehog grenades and shot them through walls.

But, says Burning Skies, sounding a siren and slipping into a fire retardant overall, you've never popped one of their heads off with a safety axe, have you? The answer to which isn't so much "No" as "How did we ever live this way?"

Resistance: Burning Skies Screenshot
Burning Skies isn't just Vita's first go at a FPS - those twin sticks put to their ultimate purpose - it's a new direction for Resistance itself, forgoing the usual super-powered/about to go mental/army man protagonist and instead plumping for Tom Riley, swarthy New Yorker and axe-happy fireman.

Riley is designed to offer an everyman angle on the Chimeran invasion of New York, albeit an everyman who's a dead aim with alien weaponry and whose health regenerates when he thinks no one's looking (Burning Skies does away with the pick-up-a-plaster health of Resistance 3, but offers no viral regeneration hooey for Riley's gunshot wounds easing away like nettle stings).

In practice this doesn't mean a great deal, except that he occasionally shoulders people out of buildings that are on fire, and, more substantially, he gets to use that axe. In reality the axe isn't that big a deal - it's more like melee attack-plus, adding a lethal cleaving heft to the regular rifle-butt last resort of shooters.

More important is that it's one of the many seamless uses Burning Skies makes of Vita's touchscreen, the inviting 'axe his maw off' symbol sitting on the bottom right corner of the screen like a dedicated face button. And as Riley transforms from emergency services worker to trousered incendiary device, other buttons appear for human and Chimeran grenades, which are primed and aimed with a touch-and-slide action, making for easy, messy accuracy.

Resistance: Burning Skies Screenshot
As Riley becomes ever more tooled up the series' regular weapons wheel is rolled back into service, with the added convenience that your gun of choice can be selected with a touch. The weapons themselves are mostly series stalwarts - the Marksman, the Bullseye, the Augur, the sniper - with a new crossbow-mounted shotgun that comes with obligatory touchscreen reload mechanic.

Badly hidden experimental 'grey tech' can be used to upgrade everything in the wheel a maximum of six times with the likes of damage boosts, fast reloads, and range extensions.

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13 comments so far...

  1. CrispyLog on 29 May '12 said:

    A 7.9? For this rubbish? After it getting a 2/10 and 5/10 in other sites? I know this site is full of Sony fanboys but no need to play up to them.

    360 4 life yo!

  2. bamozzy on 29 May '12 said:

    A 7.9? For this rubbish? After it getting a 2/10 and 5/10 in other sites? I know this site is full of Sony fanboys but no need to play up to them.

    360 4 life yo!

    So you decide to start yet another fan war!?! I actually own both an Xbox and PS3 :wink:

    I don't own a Vita so won't be getting this but I do own all the PS3 Resistance games - so I was interested to see how this turned out - especially as it is also the first FPS twin stick shooter. I have read on other sites that the overall experience and story are a little lacking and the controls take a bit of getting used too. Personally I think this game may well be a 'grower'. It will become bigger and better as more and more people play it - The single player may well be a bit forgettable but it will be the multi-player that will entice and keep players...

  3. Queen Skillage on 29 May '12 said:

    Pay no notice to the Log, he only likes games where you dig!

  4. Leders on 29 May '12 said:

    I'm looking forward to trying this out, my preorder should arrive anyday now. Its getting mixed reviews, but hey, FPS on the go, with multiplayer... why not!

    Its not going to be perfect, but its got to be a start for bigger better things, maybe COD etc will look at this, then build on it.

  5. Sleepaphobic on 29 May '12 said:

    A 7.9? For this rubbish? After it getting a 2/10 and 5/10 in other sites? I know this site is full of Sony fanboys but no need to play up to them.

    360 4 life yo!

    Wow 360 is a handheld too? D d d d daaaaaaaamn!

  6. dicky1993 on 29 May '12 said:

    crispy you've made us 360 users look like idiots

  7. TheLastDodo on 29 May '12 said:

    crispy you've made us 360 users look like idiots

    If you'd read the 2/10 review you'd be saying the same thing about CVG's review making them look like idiots too.

    I posted the review in the review thread in general gaming dicky, it's an entertaining read if nothing else, maybe that guy is just one picky bastard but a lot of his criticisms make it sound like the game needs a good year of polish.

  8. KrisaimUK on 29 May '12 said:

    Yep well done Log.
    I read the 2/10 review. Made me smile if nothing else. I'll be getting Burning Skies. Can't wait in fact. Been a lull of late but this and Gravity Rush will keep me happy for a while.
    In fact June is looking ok. Looking forward to E3 and what UBI will offer. Ghost Recon please. :D

  9. ricflair on 29 May '12 said:

    Crispy has a PS3, it's just that he's been unable to hook up to his wireless network for weeks!

  10. TheBusterMan on 29 May '12 said:

    Well,I bought Resistance 3 on PS3 and it was very over rated.It started off good,then ran out of steam,real quick,the ending seemed so rushed.The MP was good for an hour.You'd be lucky to find anyone playing it now.Anyway,the visuals look quite sloppy on this Vita version.Looks like I'll be sticking to my PSP 2000 for a while.Gimme some quality RPGs and a GTA for the Vita,and I'll bite.

  11. zakrocz on 29 May '12 said:

    A 7.9? For this rubbish? After it getting a 2/10 and 5/10 in other sites? I know this site is full of Sony fanboys but no need to play up to them.

    360 4 life yo!

    and Edge has given it 4/10

  12. spr1ngbock on 3 Jun '12 said:

    Just played the demo and really liked it. Controls are good and the graphics aren't bad. Really like the weapons. Its a good long demo so you can get a good feel for what its like. Probably not a full price purchase, but will definitely pick this up at some point. Its probabably a bit samey all the way through based on the reviews, but some of the really negative reviews seem overly harsh.

  13. lloydy280 on 12 Jun '12 said:

    I'm happy to see a decent score!! I think any game should be held against its piers but also accounting for format. Most the reviews I have read seem disappointed by the results because the game isn't up to home console standards. The Vita aint a PS3 (duh) and an FPS on it isn't going to be of that quality, tech wise its obvious!

    I played the demo and its solid - I've played better FPS obviously - but not on a handheld. There is a lot of Vita hate out there but as a bit of tech I think it shines - I love mine and I hope it succeeds in the long run. I will never get over being able to play proper games whilst commuting to work!

    Anyways, I will buy the game cause I want to play something like this on my Vita (although £39.99 is steeeep). I hope this review convinced a few others aside. Oh and I have a PSP, a DS, a 3DS, a PS3 and a 360 (not to mention I still have an Amiga 500 somewhere) and I love em all in their own ways so if I am a fanboy its of solid tech not of a brand ;)