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    Paul Ryan Heckled at Iowa State Fair

    DES MOINES, Iowa - Paul Ryan received a rowdy reception at his appearance at the Iowa State Fair today with some protesters trying to storm the stage as the newly minted vice presidential candidate spoke. But Ryan soldiered on in his speech, even telling ABC News his Wisconsin background prepped him for the hecklers.

    "Nah. We're used to it. I come from Wisconsin," Ryan said of the hecklers as he weaved through the fair.

    Surrounded by hay bales lining the stage, Ryan spoke at the soapbox, an Iowa state fair staple, where Ryan's running mate, Mitt Romney, was heckled last year after making a comment that has stuck with him throughout this campaign.

    "Corporations are people, my friend," Romney said last year on the same stage, as protesters shouted him down.

    Ryan's stop at the fair was his first solo trip as Romney's running mate, and he was greeted by a crush of supporters, media and protesters.

    As he made his way to the famous Iowa Fair soapbox, he was surrounded by cameras, reporters and those trying to get a look at the GOP ticket's No. 2 man. He shook hands and introduced himself to voters with a casual statement: "Hi, I'm Paul."

    Ryan's first foray into Iowa came on the same day when President Obama began his bus tour through the Hawkeye state.

    "I heard that President Obama is starting his bus tour today and I heard he wasn't going to come to the Iowa State Fair," Paul said.

    "Are you going to cut Medicare?" a woman shouted.

    "It's funny because Iowans and Wisconsinites, we like to be respectful of one another and peaceful with one another and listen to one another. These ladies must not be from Iowa or Wisconsin," Paul said, referring to the protesters.

    And that's when things got much rowdier. A female protester began to climb on the small stage. She was able to get up before being dragged off by Ryan's Secret Service detail.

    Ryan, dressed in a red checked shirt and jeans, continued with his pitch to the rest of the crowd, many holding Romney signs or even standing in front of protesters.

    "My guess is the reason that President Obama isn't making it here from Council Bluffs is he only knows left turns, but as you see the president come through on his bus tour you may ask him the same question I get asked all over America and that is where are the jobs Mr. President."

    An older male protester with a white beard was also heckling Ryan, telling him to, "End the wars" and "Stop the wars on the common good."

    Ryan also tried to identify with the voters in this battleground state.

    "I feel such kindred spirits here," the Wisconsin congressman, 42, said. "We are united as upper midwesterners, but, you know what it is? At the end of the day, we are Americans."

    Ryan was joined at the fair by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, as well as Romney friend and confidante Bob White.

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    As Ryan walked out the state fair along Grand Avenue, a protester on the side yelled at him, calling him a "f-ing disgrace."

    But it wasn't just protests that met Ryan. Supporters reached out their hands to touch Ryan and shouted words of encouragement to the vice presidential candidate.

    "I think he's conservative. He's right on the money," one woman told ABC News. "He's correct on the money, and we need to cut back, stop spending money that we don't have."

    "Did you see his blue eyes?" one woman shouted at another after Ryan passed her.

    And many people at the fair still didn't know quite who Ryan was two only days after he joined the Republican ticket.

    "He's cute right?" one man jokingly said to his friend

    "I guess so," another woman said.

    While he participated in the typical campaign fare of shaking hands and stopping to talk to babies, the health conscious Ryan stayed away from one of the fairs staples: fried food.

    He stopped to talk to voters at a few stands, but didn't sample any of the tasty fried treats.

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    • John  •  Green Bay, Wisconsin  •  1 day 10 hrs ago
      Our country is going to hell in a handbasket and THIS is the best use of a news article? Hecklers and women who think Paul has beautiful eyes. Maybe next time we can spend some time on the SUBSTANCIAL differences between the two campaigns?!?!
      • we're all in this tog ... 1 day 8 hrs ago
        actually Archangel,
        Ryan's proposal does NOT protect Medicare! His plan does allow people who are currently 55 or older a choice between standard medicare or his voucher system, but this is merely his way of completely getting rid of Medicare in time. For those of us who aren't yet 55 (but have still had Medicare deductions on our paychecks), our only choice would be to accept his voucher program, which is guaranteed to increase profits for the private health insurance industry and cost seniors thousands of dollars more.
        Absolutely despicable!
      • ad v 1 day 8 hrs ago
      • xjlm 1 day 9 hrs ago
        Create jobs for China? Or India, or Taiwan? Or Mexico? Bain is the one for creating jobs, and Mitt is the one for maximizing profit.
    • B.C.  •  1 day 10 hrs ago
      Let the games begin!
    • Joseph  •  Baltimore, Maryland  •  1 day 9 hrs ago
      Funny how some people accuse others of indecency on the yahoo message board. Enough sheep on both sides.
    • Author - The Third Cell  •  1 day 9 hrs ago
      First they took away pension plans in the private sector and replaced them with 401K's. Just ask the employees of Enron and MCI how well that worked out. Now they want to privatize the program and give a multi-trillion dollar gift to the Wall Street power brokers. All of this while corporations are sitting on the largest cash reserves in history, $2 trillion dollars. So it seems to me that Corporate Executive bonuses and stockholder dividends are more important than employee retirement funds. This is one Republican who won't be voting for any GOP candidate this or any other year!
      • Author - The Third Cell 1 day 5 hrs ago
        The Walrus - A large fat animal that can hardly move. A cut in the profits? How the hell did the company get the profits without the employees? Profit sharing is a benefit that forward thinking companies give to their employees. But of course not at Bain Capital, #$%$
      • The Walrus 1 day 8 hrs ago
        Yes that is assinign. I suppose you would like to be cut in on the Microsoft profits even though you never invested either. lol
      • Rational Monkey 1 day 9 hrs ago
        Why should a Union bargain for non-union workers? If you want to be protected by a Union, pay your dues.
    • Tribbles  •  1 day 9 hrs ago
      Let Hercules himself do what he may,
      The cat will mew and dog will have his day.
    • Thomas  •  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  •  1 day 16 hrs ago
      What kinda goofy story did I just read?.....damn.
      • Nick718 19 hrs ago
        @ Lindi you probably really believe that all conservatives listen to radio talk shows. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Even with steady unemployment for four years, stagnant economic recovery despite trillions of taxpayer dollars spent, most secretive Presidency of our lifetime, and a complete lack of coherent foreign diplomacy you still blindly follow your liberal ideological leaders right off the cliff. Normally, that would be a welcomed event but now you are dragging us all with you
      • Marfa 1 day 2 hrs ago
        Lindi you want Bush to take responsibility for his actions when are you gonna take responsibility for the actions by Obama when he was in the congress under Bush.. By the way Bush is not my man nor is Obama I figure we could do a lot better than what we are being offered by either party.. If all you see is black and white and cant see many different colors that are between them.
      • Judge Steven 1 day 6 hrs ago
        Cecil You are correct these morons have watched one too many episodes of the view.
    • Charles  •  Toledo, Ohio  •  2 days 23 hrs ago
      yawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......Can't wait until November 7th...
      • Marfa 1 day 14 hrs ago
        Julie my business will only work if I have the products that other people want has nothing to do with the gov. The roads and bridges were built because i paid taxes not because I had a business. Funny how before the gov. got involved we still managed to get products from one point to another and how we were able to hire people to work for us with out the gov. helping out .. The gov is there for the people not the people there for the gov.
      • Summer 1 day 15 hrs ago
        Am I really reading the comments Im reading.... please tell me Im not... its all just a dream right... ;)
      • Cols 1 day 16 hrs ago
        Hey Julia...thanks for the econ lesson.....So let me get this straight. Since the Gov't built the roads, I owe my succes in business to them? WHHAAATTTTTT?
    • Tom Pascariello  •  Watervliet, New York  •  1 day 10 hrs ago
      So it seems that this mans supporters are either blind republicans, or women who think he is cute.HELLO AMERICA, his budget plan will take THIRTY years to have a balanced budget. Do you know the chances of that happening? ZERO. WAKE UP. Democrats and Republicans are the same! We need a change for America! Please see through the lies!
      • MCMAN 1 day 5 hrs ago
        Obama will never balance the budget. Worst shape we have ever been in...period.
      • Tom Pascariello 1 day 9 hrs ago
        Kevin you act like a budget that won't balance the budget in 30 years is ANY DIFFERENT. Are you that blind with the whole two-party system that you only care about democrat/repubs?! WAKE UP!
      • Kevin 1 day 9 hrs ago
        how many for obamas budget? oh, thats right dems don't even pass budgets now!
    • HO LIN WON  •  1 day 10 hrs ago
      Politicians need to know what kind of crowd they have so they can choose the right words for the right crowd.Politicians will tell ya what ya want to hear. Seldom do they ever follow through with campaign promises.
    • K  •  1 day 13 hrs ago
      Try this for a day: Look at what is in the news and making headlines.Then think objectively and independently about what issues would be truly important, and what things of significance is going on in the world. Then the real question to try to answer: Why are headlines like this one and so many others even in the news. There must be a reason.
    • Gverwtfr  •  1 day 10 hrs ago
      Be patient, the end is coming soon.
    • David  •  2 days 7 hrs ago
      "The best argument against democracy is a
      five-minute conversation with the average voter."

      --Winston Churchill
    • GKM  •  1 day 8 hrs ago
      total of 6 women were in front trying to drown him out...they even punched a volunteer at the fair ! this is the kind of hoodlums and thugs that make up the Obama party.
    • James  •  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  •  1 day 12 hrs ago
      I think its the times we live in, they want us to vote for people that sold out our country, took our jobs and run with the money!
    • 569  •  1 day 9 hrs ago
      Hecklers are at best mere #$%$ It would be nice to get their names and wait until they have a child getting married or have a unique event of their own. Then those of us who do not believe in heckling show up and heckle. Bet they would not find that so funny.
    • X REPUBLICAN  •  New York, New York  •  1 day 8 hrs ago
      why are most republicans idiots ?
    • John from the Moon  •  Alpharetta, Georgia  •  1 day 8 hrs ago
      The Democrats love to heckle and disrupt free speech. Since there were only two hecklers, Ryan, at least, did not pad his audience with supporters, like Obama does.
    • CT  •  1 day 9 hrs ago
      "I want you to argue with them and get in their face!" Obama
    • S  •  Hawthorne, Florida  •  1 day 9 hrs ago
      What a classy bunch BO must be very proud .
    • John  •  1 day 10 hrs ago
      It's the widow's peak that will sink him.