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    Congress could be least productive since 1947

    Congress is on pace to make history with the least productive legislative year in the post World War II era.

    Just 61 bills have become law to date in 2012 out of 3,914 bills that have been introduced by lawmakers, or less than 2 percent of all proposed laws, according to a USA TODAY analysis of records since 1947 kept by the U.S. House Clerk's office.

    In 2011, after Republicans took control of the U.S. House, Congress passed just 90 bills into law. The only other year in which Congress failed to pass at least 125 laws was 1995.

    These statistics make the 112th Congress, covering 2011-12, the least productive two-year gathering on Capitol Hill since the end of World War II. Not even the 80th Congress, which President Truman called the "do-nothing Congress" in 1948, passed as few laws as the current one, records show.

    The difference between 1995 and now is that Republicans rebounded in the second year of the 104th Congress in 1996, churning out 245 laws with a Democratic president, including a tax cut package, a minimum wage increase, an overhaul of the nation's welfare system, and requiring law enforcement to disclose where sex offenders live.

    Doug Heye, a spokesman for House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., defended the chamber, citing over 30 economic measures the House has passed that have fizzled in the Democratic-run Senate "at the behest of a president who is presiding over the worst economic recovery in history."

    When Democrats controlled both chambers during the 111th Congress, 258 laws were enacted in 2010 and 125 in 2009, including President Obama's health care law.

    The 112th Congress will conclude after Election Day following an anticipated lame-duck session. It has been defined by partisan divisions and legislative failures, including a bipartisan "Super Committee" that failed to enact $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction.

    Issues on which the divided Congress has not found consensus include the Dec. 31 expiration of the Bush tax cuts and a budget plan to replace $109 billion in automatic spending cuts, a drought-relief plan passed by the House but not the Senate, the extension of the Senate-passed federal farm bill that is languishing in the House and a bill to overhaul the U.S. Postal Service.

    The inertia continues to fuel Congress' historically low approval ratings, which hit 10 percent on Tuesday, according to Gallup polling.

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    • WayToGo  •  1 day 0 hrs ago
      It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot
      replace 535 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of
      incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic
      problem that is not traceable directly to those 535 people. When you
      fully grasp the plain truth that 535 people exercise the power of the
      federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they
      want to exist.

      If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

      If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red.

      If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's because they
      want them in Iraq and Afghanistan ....

      If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement
      plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

      There are no insoluble government problems.
      ~Charley Reese~
      • John 23 mins ago
        Not can't - won't. Too lazy to look beyond the political babble and think for ourselves, I suppose.
      • ESI 5 hrs ago
        sounds like Congress is just a reflection of the baby boom generation.
      • Richard 6 hrs ago
        O so true!
    • OldDan  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Hmmm, if Congress is so non productive, how come it is costing us so much?
      • DavidT 5 hrs ago
        By the looks of the comments I would say all agree on one thing DC has nothing but crooks in it.
      • CORIN 7 hrs ago
        I'd say it would be both sides, the democratic congress and the republican house neither being able to give a inch with out the other taking a mile. Both sides of the fence are too obsessed over absolutes.
      • Joe 13 hrs ago
        3 thumbs down... Does that mean that three people actually wanna see that dudes moobies?
    • Bobby  •  1 day 0 hrs ago
      A WELFARE CONGRESS ! Don't do sheit but wants a pay CHECK !
    • mike g  •  Riverhead, New York  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
      people complain and still elect incumbents!!!Go figure..
      • troy 21 hrs ago
        am...i said both side were at fault but the 2010 tea party were the biggest decievers...regardless of how you feel about either party...nothing has been done under this congress...the president doesnt pass laws its the job of congress...this has been futile at best..when the demos had control more laws were passed whether you agreed with them or not...thats the point im making...they(tea party) said they were not going to work with the pres in hopes of using it against him during the presidential election..that is a fact that both sides have admitted to.
      • am 21 hrs ago
        Troy how is all Repubs fault? Because Bush started a war that cost so much money? You need to know the President is the Commander and Chief but he cant start a war, only Congress can take you to war. Every democrat voted for that war too. They didn't vote them out in 2008 because the last two years of Bush the democrates held both the Senate and the House right up until 2010 when they were voted back in because the people hated where the dems were leading the country. The housing crash occured because of the dems forcing banks to loan to everyone and the greedy banks liking it. Barny Frank was asked to regulate Freddie and Fanny how many times by Bush, but basically gave Bush the finger and was backed up by his democrat collagues. Yet when the crash occured the dems blamed it on Bush. Now you might be a liberal and democrat, but I'm not a Republican, I'm an independent and yet I can see all of this. There is plenty of blame to go around on both sides, but the democrats hands are not clean by any means.
      • liam oneal 23 hrs ago
        You can't fix stupid Troy. These folks are plain stupid.
    • BALDGUY  •  1 day 1 hr ago
      everyone seems to focus on the presidential race. the truth is the senate and congress have more to do with the running of this country than the president. both parties have way to many 'career' people. and as far as i'm concerned, they have all lost touch. our 2 party system of government just doesn't work in this day and age. to partisan. to full of their own righteousness.
      • Fide sed cui vide 3 hrs ago
        I'm a Democrat, but I would go for getting rid of Maxine Waters. Especially if Eric Cantor would go too. In fact I'd trade extremist with extremist down to the last Congressman or Congresswoman ... and the Congress would end up being a bunch of moderates who would get a lot of good work done.
      • mfaulk63 17 hrs ago
        @David- OK u can keep Wasserman Schultz- But Maxine Waters has to go. Pick any 3-5 Republicans , I'm sure Rand Paul would gladly step aside
      • The Gray Adder 18 hrs ago
        Seems to me the "career" people got a lot more done before we replaced 80-odd of them with Tea Party types. It's not only that the 112th Congress has little to show for itself, what actually reaches the President's desk is either of appallingly poor quality or of limited relevance. I heard more than half of these bills involve renaming post offices.
    • Erika  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      How ironic that these gov't officials are ENTITLED to tax payer dollars to pay their salaries, provide them and their families with top notch health care and a free education. I don't know about the rest of you, but these rules need to be changed immediately. When things go unchecked, people usually end up paying for it in the long run.
      • am 21 hrs ago
        I'm wondering if you liberals or Dems know that Romney has released two years of his taxes just like Obama has, the only reason I'm asking is because there was so much screaming for him to release his taxes that I too didn't think he released his taxes until I found out he did release two years of taxes so why do you want him to release 10 years, I will go along with that if Obama will release 10 years also although I think it's pretty dumb because I'm pretty sure the gestapo IRS would be all over Romney if he didn't pay his taxes.
      • Bruce 23 hrs ago
        Yes, exactly. His 'greatness' has to be argued because it is so manifestly absent. Arguing for it is the only way it can feel real to some people. I wouldn't say he is a terrible president. But one of the greatest? Not even close. I find him bland and grossly overrated. He can't even get his own budget passed by a senate controlled by his own party. The only reason health care passed was because a single party just happened to dominate Congress at the time. Had he actually been required to make the case to a bipartisan congress and to the American people the outcome would have been much different. His gift of oration is vastly overstated. In 2008 he reminded me too much of the slick black preachers I had to listen to growing up in my home church. Lots of emotion and drama and high flung rhetoric, but little in the way of authentic substance. I think his blandness appeals to a generation that watches too much American Idol, Judge Judy, and Jerry Springer while tweeting the most mediocre thoughts about their directionless lives. It's not hard to look great anymore when you stand before a culture that is addicted to so much bottom-feeding mediocrity. Lastly, he is not a unifier, but a divider. He continually pits the 'poor' against the 'wealthy'. This is a sign of intellectual laziness. It is the age-old blame game: "It must---has to be---someone else's fault why I am not content and successful." I know several small business owners in my state. They all started years ago with nothing but an idea. They are of varying races and from various economic and social backgrounds. None of them are what I would consider to be be of more than normal intelligence. One is a high school drop out (something he still regrets). Today their businesses/small factories make real jobs for real people so real people can raise real families and buy real houses and own decent cars and build real lives. They are also consistently generous to their employees and to their communities. They do not inhabit the phony world of political theory or shallow rhetoric. It is unthinkable, then, when our own president derides these wonderful, hard-working, risk-taking people by telling them, "You didn't build that!" And try as he might, Mr. Obama can't argue about his comment being taken out of context because the actual context of the comment is even worse. (I think Mr. Obama inadvertently wandered off script that day and revealed what he really thinks.) It is the complete antithesis of the ideal this great land of ours promises to everyone who will rise up on their own two feet, with a good idea and a solid work ethic, and build something for themselves. I know your heart is in the right place Jamarcus, but this Democrat is not voting for him this November. My conscience won't permit it.
      • Richard H 23 hrs ago
        Dart77, you're saying the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of TRAITORS??? You do realize that the actual quote is "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of PATRIOTS." You've completely reversed the meaning of Jefferson's words.
    • Jay  •  Berlin, Connecticut  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain
    • michaelc  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      If Congressmen were factory workers they would all have been fired for 'goofing off ' long ago. Come to think of it, we voters can still do that job! We are their boss. Just look at what they do and don't listen to their #$%$ and toss them out on their ear!
    • steven a  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
      as long as they get PAYED they don't CARE'
    • jv  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Honestly? I would replaced all of them with hard working Americans, who would
      do 10 times better job - even in part time.
    • Adam  •  Mebane, North Carolina  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      How about a freeze on their pay and benefits. A reduction in pay and benefits,term limits, and perhaps the best of all a one way ticket HOME
    • robert  •  New York, New York  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      TWO 2% effort means they owe the taxpayers NINETY-EIGHT 98% of their pay and benefits. STAY ON VACATION PERMANENTLY !!!!!!! The seniors will do the work for HALF!
    • F.P.  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      The only time congress is productive is when they vote themselves a raise, every year!
    • Mark5333  •  1 day 0 hrs ago
      It takes both houses and the President's signature to turn a Bill into law.
    • Golden Crust  •  Indianapolis, Indiana  •  7 hrs ago
      It's called obstructionism and it has been the Republican/Teabanger mantra since Obama was elected. They have been so busy trying to make him look ineffective, that they forgot they actually have a job to do and constituents who need to be represented.
    • kathpmike  •  Walled Lake, Michigan  •  1 day 2 hrs ago
      I also wonder why these idiots get to take off from july until november for summer recess.This isn't grade school.the country doesn't take the summer off so why should these arrogant pieces of garbage.I'm so sick of these pompous A S S E S.I SAY VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBENTS REGARDLESS OF THEIR PARTY.
    • Paul Jones  •  Doylestown, Pennsylvania  •  1 day 1 hr ago
      The Democrats and Republicans need to quit playing the blame game and pass legislation that benefits the American people.
    • rayD8  •  6 hrs ago
      The GOP have done more filibusters in the last three years, than all of their previous years combined. They signed a pledge to not budge one inch on taxes despite them being at historic lows, and in disregard to the CBO recommendations. Yet they squeal like stuck pigs about how the Dem's won't co-operate with them, and that it's all the Dem's fault.
    • Sherrie  •  Cambridge, Maryland  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      Freeze their pay until they do the work!!!!! fire them all!!!
    • NYY  •  Bethesda, Maryland  •  1 day 3 hrs ago
      TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS, TERM LIMITS!! I think that Congress must have the fattest butts in the country as all they do is sit on them....