Snap Judgements: game reviews based purely on screenshots

A bold and arrogant experiment that'll leave us all looking bad

Humans. Apart from the meat, bone and eyeballs, we're built entirely out of prejudice. Nothing escapes our gaze without a snap judgement being made about it. That guy walking too close behind you is an impatient monster and a probable domestic abuser. That lack of a door on that brick wall robs it of potential and intrigue. That street magician needs a series of massive knee-thrusts to his nuts. These are all snap judgements that are almost certainly accurate.

Of course, the same thing happens with video games. You'll get a bristling feeling about a game long before you put it into words. Dishonored feels full of promise. Resi 6 feels uncomfortable, wrong. Prejudice comes in many forms. From your knowledge of a franchise, from your opinion of the developer, and an accumulated lifetime of despair and dashed hopes (Star Wars).

So, I asked Ed to let me test my prejudices. Can I refine them to the point where I can review a game without actually playing it? How convincing a review could I write, based on a single screenshot? How much can you actually write about a game without demonstrating any first-hand knowledge of its workings? Brace yourself for fluff, issue-avoidance, and ill-concealed factlessness, as I give three definitive reviews.


Being a farmer is immense fun. You get to hang around with loads of ducks, and if any children play on your land you can shoot them with a rifle, and say you thought they were wolves. It's literally a licence to stamp on some hen's eggs in your big muddy boots, all the time shouting about how how early you get up in the mornings just to punch a cow in the udderbag until milk flies out.

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It's a life that demands simulation: and boy-howdy - Farming Simulator 2013 is literally the farming simulator of the year. You can control a range of farming equipment, from a digger to... at least three other machines, including one that looks like it might have horses in it. Horses! They don't half whinny. If I had a horse I'd tell it to lay off the whinnying.

However, there are some drawbacks, mainly in the form of excruciating boredom. Real farmwork might be invigorating. It might help you to feel like part of the natural cycle of life. Running a simulation? It's the worst of all possible worlds. Including the very likely world where you tell your friends about the field you just tilled, and they decide to leave the pub while you're in the toilet.

Still, people say that video games of armed conflict can never be realistic, because they cannot simulate the days and weeks of high-pressure inaction. They never feature the nerve-shredding tense boredom that fills the vast gaps between the adrenaline-sodden kill-or-be-killed terror. Here's a compromise - why not try playing Farming Simulator 2013 with a sword hanging above your head for six days, between every level of Modern Warfare?


Prejudices used: I played Woodcutter Simulator. It was horrible.

Fact Check: No facts used, no fact check required.

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6 comments so far...

  1. Even before I got to the end I could just tell this was from the mind of Log.

    I'm slightly disappointed with Team 17 for not branching out and making another game, I mean come on, worms have been massacred for the past 17 years (hmm, strange coincidence), surely you could move on to dragonflys or moths or something?

    I'm sure GTAV will score highly, as suggested, but I still really doubt I will buy it.

  2. So for a game like Vanquish or Lollipop Chainsaw, what would you say about it based only on screenshots?

  3. im lookin 4wad to worms more thn gta

  4. im lookin 4wad to worms more thn gta

    looking, forward, and than... we are educated here :mrgreen:

  5. Of course, Los Santos is the true star of GTAV (seriously, if over half the reviews doesn't say this I will donate £10 to the Conservative Party).

    :twisted: YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

  6. Even before I got to the end I could just tell this was from the mind of Log.

    It took you that long? I was getting that idea by the end of the first sentence :lol:

    As for Time Travellers visiting us I recently read a Quantum Physics book that postulated that it was theoretically impossible to travel in time earlier than the invention of the time machine, hence the reason we have never been visited by time travellers. More depressingly he went on to explain that human nature being what it is a large percentage of future time travelers would want to go back as far as possible and as a result EVERYONE would visit the invention of the time machine resulting in all future times existing simultaniously and thereby destroying all of Time and Space. It was a fun read.

    And I suddenly really want to play a game of Worms.