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    • Lebe  •  Bloomville, Ohio  •  10 hours ago
      that is a cool picture :) wonder how long the photographer stood there waiting for the perfect picture lol
      • Jon 1 hour 38 minutes ago
        He was there three nights until the moon was in the correct position. It is the most clever picture and definitely one of the best.
      • Darion 1 hour 55 minutes ago
        It's perfectly centered. What a flawless shot.
      • Hajar 8 hours ago
        I see the picture very nice But we have best nature in kurdistane Iraq
    • LockNLoad  •  8 hours ago
      The moon pic - not just a great Olympics picture one of the best pics period....
      • coffeelover 21 minutes ago
        Agree LNL, Reutors, photographer, will probably receive award end of year for it. Where were other 5,000 world media photog's?
    • RODOLFOF  •  9 hours ago
      so what does the 6 rings represent? it surely can't be Jordan's six championship rings.
      • coffeelover 11 minutes ago
        @ roland, you type like a foreigner, not an American from MD. Not only are you wrong about, well, everything, you spell incorrectly, punctuate incorrectly, so you must be foreigner using a translate software program.
      • yujyjty 7 hours ago
        Roland, I hate to break this down to you! First, your knowledge of history is greatly flawed, not to mention your grammar. Second, it's "Geography", and your knowledge there is equally so, but doubly flawed. Third, be it what it may, the Olympic colors do not represent continents, you idiot. Last but not least, continents do not "appears". They are either formed or re-organized by the 'incoherent geniuses' at the UN.
      • Roland 8 hours ago
        It is from the past, history, may be before most of you were born, In geographie there was 5 continents so the IOC decided Blue for Europe, Black for Africa, Red for America, Yellow for Asia and Green for Oceania. Since then other continents have appears (?) but the IOC has kept the 5 rings. Why changing? What would it mean?
    • Chris  •  Greensboro, North Carolina  •  8 hours ago
      Yo, jihadist of the world, did you enjoy watching 206 nations gather together, its youth compete and party together in London for 3 weeks and not being able to pull off ANY of your threats?? We really missed you not being there. Maybe your coward youth can try again next time....thanks London and the freedom loving humans of our planet, great job. God Bless America.
    • Innep  •  8 hours ago
      I'm loving this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • Happy days  •  9 hours ago
      The photos are lovely
    • coffeelover  •  East Windsor, Connecticut  •  25 minutes ago
      Surely these 37 pics are not the best of the games as the headline stated (don't call me Shirley). The red full moon caught as a perfect 6th ring could be the best imho. So good I downloaded it for a background!
    • Dallylawnman  •  Tucker, Georgia  •  7 hours ago
      The best pictures are in my mind. I will not have to see or hear of this crap for some time thank goodness !
    • Texas.Rancher  •  8 hours ago
      Nice Pic .. however you can tell the pic was taken from an angle to get the moon in the right location .. as you can see the sides of the rings .. which is taken straight on the rings you wouldnt be able to see that
      • Dejan 54 minutes ago
        think I know! The Muslims are everywhere. Oh, WHY did I use the caps!?!? Shoot.
      • Texas.Rancher 6 hours ago
        It is awesome .. just saying how they got it.
      • pepsiwoman44 6 hours ago
        thats an awesome picture!!!!!!
    • Cyndi  •  Fort Pierce, Florida  •  16 hours ago
      WOW!!!! Ok, now this is an AWESOME shot!!!!! Excellent work " Luke MacGregor"!! Good eye!!
    • KEN  •  Detroit, Michigan  •  6 hours ago
      this is way to cool love it
    • reality bites  •  Lake Worth, Florida  •  7 hours ago
      the rings are a wonderful symbol of connection across all earthly boundaries and now we can add other worldly. how beautiful
    • RICK  •  8 hours ago
      u could move around for an hr. an get that pic .
    • I cant believe it  •  8 hours ago
    • f23ghost  •  8 hours ago
      ok thats super cool i want a high rez for a wallpaper
    • Ken  •  8 hours ago
      The Moon is a Fabulous Picture! Work of Art!
    • Lorak  •  9 hours ago
      Good patience and timing for this photo. No photoshop on this but maybe a little luck.
      • John 7 hours ago
        It was not. There's not one pixel out of place. The distortions that exist are either naturally occurring or caused by compression algorithms on the digital file. There's no evidence of cloning, smudging, cut and paste, masking, etc. Besides this photo comes from a large group of photographs of basically the same shot, just at different times and angles producing various other effects.
      • Robert W 8 hours ago
        It was photoshop'd.
    • Sonja  •  8 hours ago
      Rich, Well said and I agree wholeheartdly
    • nunya biz  •  8 hours ago
      some cool pics, but where are the best ones? "the one of the womens beach vollyball from thier back side"
    • wildskin1  •  Indianapolis, Indiana  •  9 hours ago
      The moon isn't spaced apart like the other rings...
    London Reporter

    Overall Medal Count

    Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
    1 United States 46 29 29 104
    2 China 38 27 23 88
    3 Russia 24 26 32 82
    4 Great Britain 29 17 19 65
    5 Germany 11 19 14 44
    6 Japan 7 14 17 38
    7 Australia 7 16 12 35
    8 France 11 11 12 34

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